Dear lovely Reader,
I LOVE addressing my posts to the "Reader." However, I usually feel rather silly when I do, because I'm fairly certain that there may be one or two (Including me!) who ever lay eyes on this little blog. But it's so fun to address it to the general Reader—it makes it seem more personable and a little more prestigious... Not that I should be looking for prestige with a motive such as mine, but after awhile, it's fun to imagine making a career out of such a small hobby.
Recently, we had an extra long, four-day break from school and all that good stuff. I spent most of it with a girlfriend at her Grandma's house and the rest of it between volleyball practice, work, and hanging with good people. Among many other spontaneous adventures, placing Post-its was high on the priority list!

This little note—I apologize for the yucky picture, I was in a hurry!—was one of two notes placed at the Mall of America. My friend and I spent a day there with her Grandma (Who's definitely on the list of the cutest people I've ever met!) and it so happens to be the
perfect place to leave Post-its.

This is the second note placed at the lovely MOA—If I remember right, they both went in bathroom stalls. Side note: I also love forgetting/mixing up where I placed certain Post-it notes. Pictures help, but when I'm placing enough notes to where I begin to loose track of them... I know I'm doing something right!
This third note went up on a mirror in a women's bathroom. A friend and I saw a movie (
Social Networking, if your wondering. It was a goodie!) and I decided to place a note on the way out. Whoot, whoot!

And last, but certainly not least, Today's note...

This little bugger went up at SCHOOL. Yes,
school. I haven't left a note in that building for awhile. Shall I elaborate?
1.) I'm always fighting bad mental states while I'm at school. Between rude peers, careless actions, and immature disruptions, I'm pretty sure I was over high school before I even entered the doors. I actually am quite grateful for the district in which I live, but I definitely went through a short phase where leaving encouraging notes seemed less than desirable. I was just really fed up with school life. However, looking back, I suppose that's when the Post-it Effect does its best work!
2.) It's spreading. I'm not joking! This statement makes me sooo excited I just about get choked up. To make a long story short, through a group of students identified as "leaders" within our building, a group of faculty as begun working with them/us to make kindness and respect more evident in the everyday classroom. I happen to be involved in this and as I mentioned a week or so ago in a blog-post (I AM Alive) one of my close friends had brought up the idea of posting kind notes like the ones she had found... Left behind by some "stranger." Gee, who would do that?! Anyway, from there, a group of 10-15 kids were assigned to leave ONE random note last week. ONE note = 15 Post-its floating around our building. How CRAZY is that? Yes, I shed some tears of joy... Not in front of them, of course—I still have an anonymous identity! You may be asking yourself right about now, "Why is this relevant? Wouldn't this make this crazy, teenage girl even more fired up about the movement?" Well the truth is, it should have. I think the whole situation just caught me off guard... I got nervous! I never, ever, in my wildest dreams expected anything extra to come from this. Literally—I wasn't even sure how long I would keep up with it.
The good news is, I'm back at it.
The GREAT news is, so is a small group of kids from my school. They have no idea that I have any connection to this idea's origination... And frankly, I like it that way. Yeah, it's only 15 more kids... Yeah... That's only 14 more notes. But remember when it was one? One kid? One note? That is what a chain reaction is all about. That is the essence of the Post-it Effect.