First off, Wishing you & yours a very happy holiday!
I hope you had a lovely day of relaxation and good laughs with family & friends. The day turned out pretty nicely over here and now I'm just hanging out and trying to talk my body out of hating me for the choice of food intake over the last couple days! ;-)
I think Christmas EVE has become my favorite holiday. Does that count as a holiday? I LOVE it. I think it has something to do with the fact that excitement was always high on that day as a child... Now it's probably because I have the biggest infatuation with candle light services and the thought of Mary traveling and giving birth that night gives me tingles!
Anyway, I was able to get some notes up on my favorite
holiday! If you've known me long enough, you wouldn't even be surprised to know that I was finishing up Christmas shopping on the TWENTY-FOURTH of December. As a disclaimer, I was done... I just needed ONE more thing. Well... while searching for my "one more thing," one more thing turned into "Gee, betchya I could get a cute Christmas outfit on sale!" (Which I did!) Anyway, that lead me to the dressing room where I left this array of Post-it notes.

And then... As if on cue... I get an email from Britt with a picture of a note she'd left, too! Great minds think alike.

Hers went up at on the mirror in locker room of gym she works out at. Neat idea, huh?!
Good vibes are just zipping around this holiday season.
Well I'm off to read a book. Have yourself a Merry little Christmas & (if I don't post before...) a blessed new year!