Holler for the weekend! I'm so happy just at the thought of Memorial Day. It is the unofficial start to summer, you know. The weather today was absolutely phenomenal and I sincerely hope the sun will come out to play for the rest of the holiday weekend.
Hope you had a good week! Last full week of school for this chick (definitely worth a fist pump... Or two.) and I got in a few good runs.

Pretty successful endeavor, if I do say so myself. No really cool stories or anything... I got some gas. Went the bathroom (And put up notes--shhh!). And went home.
In other news, I can't see. Just kidding--sort of. I think I scratched my eyeball sometime between falling asleep last night and waking up this morning! Rats. I think you can equate it to having a hair stuck in your eye. Except it's invisible. And not going away. Here's to hoping this eyeball scratch heals itself soon... Or I'll look like I'm so sad school is ending next week. Which is SO not the case. ;-)
Alright, well I'm off. My evening consists of a lot of nothin'. Although, I've been borrowed two really good reads from some girlfriends... I probably pick up those. Maybe I'll share my thoughts (or at least introduce the titles!) on here.
Oh! Annnnd, I really do want to share my Post-it Effect essay sometime. Expect a post on it soon--Don't let me forget.
Peace out!