Have I seriously not blogged in months? Sounds like such a long time, but feels much shorter. It probably doesn't seem that long for this gal because it's been constant GOOO since school started. If it makes you and the blog feel any better, I pretty much scramble every day to remember to eat meals, brush my teeth, and go to the bathroom. Need I even tell you how often I shave my legs? (KIDDING! I'm anal about that, so it's an exception.)
Anyway, I've got to attribute this post to a girlfriend of mine who randomly reminded me about my little blog haven. It's good to have good people in your life! And, bless her heart, she even graced me with a note for this post! (Yeah, I don't have one right now. Don't judge! I'm hoping her motivation will be a little kick in my pants.)

Exhibit A = her note. Professional much? Seriously, I was basically glowing with happiness when I received the picture in my email inbox. LOVE. You go, girl!
This is the excerpt it came with--"I took this today in downtown La Crosse. I put this post-it on the windshield of a silver jeep in the parking lot of the Radisson hotel. Hope it made their day and they keep it in their car as a constant reminder!"
Amen, sister yo!
Ugh. Can I just tell you something? I am SO sick of telling people how busy I am! So sick. I listened to a podcast sermon the other day and they talked about our
need to be busy. Of course, my first reaction was
Are you kidding!? What I would do to not be running around all the time... Well, believe it or not, my first reaction was wrong--as most are--and after some good ol' self-reflection, I realized that I totally fall into that category, too.
I'm so busy. We enjoy telling each other we're busy. We're a busy people.
"How have you been?"
"Oh, I've been busy! You?"
Story of our lives? And when I think about the things that I ALWAYS say I'm busy with... "School, sports, work...", I wonder how beneficial being so busy actually is.
It would be different if I said, "I'm busy with volunteering at the food shelf, teaching Sunday school, and picking up litter in my spare time." I wouldn't feel so guilty about that.
Actually, I take that back. It isn't a guilt thing. It's a
I wanna be a more productive human and being mindless busy all the time is not necessarily the answer kind of thing. Does that make sense? I want to be busy with better things
So, I'm going to start by being more careful about the word busy. Am I busy with the right stuff? The things that make me happy, and hopefully others, too? That's my food for thought for the night.

Peace out!