Why, hello!
Yes, I'm still alive. Still kickin' (And no, not the bucket.)
I've come to the miraculous conclusion that my summers are much more busy than the school year. How that pans out, I'm not really sure. But it's obvious by my lack of blogging, posting, and general sched.
What have I been doing with all this time in which I seem to forget that I leave encouraging notes for other people? Glad you asked.
For the most part, I've been playing sports - exception on the "playing" because my back it still on the fritz - attending would be a better word. I work at camp for the rest of the month every weekend, not to mention working at the vet and that I've picked up multiple days for other people. It's all good though - I have a car to fix!
As far as being productive around my house, I pretty much rearranged my room. It's starting to look like it belongs to the "today-ME" instead of the 11-year-old Meagan it was looking like. I implemented some new book shelves, framed a few recent pictures, and generally reorganized. A little known fact about Meagan Doll: She is an extreme pack-rat. Like THE worst. I'm good about letting go of little gadgets and things like that... However, I still have notebooks/projects from middle school. I save almost all the cards people give me year-round and, up until my big clean-out, every wrist-band/ticket I've ever received. Think there's any A/A type of groups with people with mild sentimental-parting disorders? I need help!
Okay, I bet by now you're wondering if this is just a post to suck-up for my lack of posting and if I even have a picture at this moment...
Well, you're in luck!
I placed this lovely note on the (obvious) soap dispenser this weekend at the camp I work at. After all the kids had gone home on Sunday, I had a little bit of down-time before our final staff meeting and decided to leave a note. Fortunately for you, I was able to snap the picture, but couldn't take multiple shots because my camera died right after. I should probably charge the little fella...
Yes, I'm going through a slight phase where I like to go all-out when it comes to decorating a word or two on my notes. Kind of fun!
Alrighty, well hopefully you understand where my lack of leaving notes is coming from. And you know... If you feel as though there should be more Post-its circling the globe... You could ALWAYS leave one of your own. And if you do, I want a picture of it, you hear? :-)
Until my next note!
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