T.G.I.Thursday! I know, I know... It doesn't have quite the same ring as it would if it were Friday. It's okay, though. Thursday is normally good because you get through it saying "Tomorrow is Friday!" During the summer, I take pride in trying to forget what day of the week it is. With a schedule such as mine, it doesn't usually work, especially as volleyball starts. I'm always counting down the days until I have break!
My Post-it for tonight was actually from last Sunday. It's been a busy last few days, so I haven't has much time to get it up.
Anyhoo, this lovely note (Simple as it may be!), was put in the bathroom at church. Correction: After church. I would never, ever leave church to put up a Post-it. ;-) That may or may not be true, however, I actually did wait until after service to do my deed. You can call me St. Meagan. Bahaha! Not really, though.
Alright, well you have my apologies when it comes to this short, uneventful post. I can hardly remember any cool/interesting stories from this last Post-it... And I'm drained! Hopefully I'll get a few new ones up soon...
It's actually funny - I'll go through Post-it withdrawals! I'll really, really miss putting up notes and want to do it right that second, but it's always then that I find myself sitting in my own bedroom or laying down at night. Not so convenient, huh? Soon, though, my friends! Soon.
Okay. I'm off to rest my eye-lids... Alright, let's be honest - I'll probably start paging through my Oprah magazine. But then going to bed. Pronto.
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