I'm having a bummin' evening. As in, I'm feeling a little "off."
Maybe it's from the long, holiday weekend and looking towards the next week at school. Maybe it's because winter is really starting to set it and it's definitely not on the top of my favorite seasons list. Maybe it's because majority of the population can't seem to spell DEFINITELY right! (Okay, that's not a reason... But I thought of that after I typed it. Have you noticed that, though? If I see one more person spell it 'definately,' I might puke!)
Who knows, but I'm just feeling unmotivated. You know what else it might be? Not to go off on a tangent or anything... I would never do that... But basketball probably has it's tole in the equation. Let's analyze.
1.) It takes up a ton of time! Of course, I know this going into any sport... But when you really think about it, being a student athlete is a whole different ball game then just going through high school. Love it... But it's work!
2.) We have a male coach. Nothing against the male gender, by any means, but I really think that women tend to communicate better with... Well, women. Having a guy coach thrown into the mix just brings on a whole new set of vibes and mind-sets.
3.) I don't get along with him... Even off the court. Okay, I truly believe that everyone has some good inside of them. I do. This guy has a wife... He has kids... And I know he means well. I just always seem to leave practice/his class feeling bad about myself. I know that I'm the only one that can control those emotions... But something that used to be a lot of fun (And still a lot of work, nevertheless!) leaves me feeling like a worse person every time I leave.
So... What does this mean? The only thing I can think of is that it must be a learning experience. (Gotta love 'em!)
My new mantra is going to be "Basketball IS NOT a measure of how GOOD of a person I am." Capitalization in selected areas is very necessary.
It's weird to think about because basketball is a huge part of my life and I really do enjoy it some days. However, I have to remember that it can be huge part of my life, without defining my life. Missed a shot? I can still help a friend or pick up trash in the hall. Have to run a little extra? I can still donate to the Salvation Army. (P.S. That's my FAVORITE thing to do during the holiday season! I never miss a bucket.) And EVEN when I get so completely, positively, over-my-head fed up with my coach... I can say a little prayer—for him & myself—and then post a sticky note.
Those opposite reactions ARE what make me who I am. Oh, wait... Here's one now. ;-)
Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. And if you skipped to the bottom... Don't worry, you didn't miss much. ;-)
But if you did stick through it... Maybe you can find your own "_______ IS NOT a measure of how GOOD of a person I am" in your own life. You'd be surprised just how much pressure it relieves.
Have a GOOD Monday!