Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Post-it Lovin'


Do I have a treat for you! I happen to have two separate arrays of Post-it photos... Over the last few days, I've been into leaving my notes in numbers! (Get it? Like strength... In numbers... Whoohoo.) I'm thinkin' that it makes the effect that much more effect-ful. :-)

The first set is from a Target bathroom, followed by a CUTE Post-it story. It'll make your sticky-note loving heart melt...

Cute story: For future references, Target is hopping at 7 o'clock on a Saturday evening... And placing my notes was hard work! Right as I finished getting them up on the mirror, a Latino mother and teenage daughter walked in. Frantic, I awkwardly turned around and went into a stall, hoping they just assumed I was doing my business. However, they immediately turned to the mirrors. The mother was so excited and said, "Awww! Look at the cute "stickies" all over the walls!" She then must have motioned for the teenage girl to come over because the girl happened to be talking on her cell phone and then preceded to tell whoever was on the other line about their discovery. She even read each note out loud to her phone-friend! This whole time, I was standing in the bathroom stall, smiling from ear to ear and probably radiating the entire bathroom! I was so excited, I could've just cried. :-)

Anyway, that was super exciting for me. They eventually left and I got my pictures... But good times. That's why I do what I do!

This second group of notes all went up on a mirror at school today! I had some time to kill before a meeting... And what better way to do it?

Well, that's all folks! Do you think I could ever make a living out of this blog/idea? Because I would thoroughly enjoy that. ;-)

Have a lovely evening!


P to the S - World Kindness Day is coming up! Celebrate with some extra kindness on November 13th!

"How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a dark world."
- William Shakespeare

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