Hol-y guacamole, it is hot out. And even more than that, HUMID. Yuuuck. Although, I shouldn't be complaining. A few weeks ago, I swore it would still be snowing around this time.

Well, boy, is the cyber-world in a for a treat! I'm using this post to present my Post-it Effect essay from a few weeks ago. It was our last day of school (Holler again!) and I finally have time to get 'er out there. Ready? Here she is!
I’ve always marveled at the simplicity it can take to practice kindness. As a child, being kind was as trivial as sharing toys, borrowing crayons, and being polite. Somewhere along the line, however, we lose sight of these small acts of genuineness. Soon, kindness looks like giving up massive amounts of time to volunteer and donating huge financial numbers. Compassion becomes a chore, even a burden to some. What would it look like to revert back to our “old” and elementary ways of kindness? That was one of many questions that inspired me to begin blogging about a self-initiated challenge which I would come to call “The Post-it Effect”.
The Post-it Effect, as a project, was created in my ambition to better the world. Feeling a bit limited as a full-time student, living in a fairly small and ordinary town, I decided to begin a project in which I would leave Post-it notes in random places for strangers to find. My notes were painted with hopeful optimism and encouraging confidence through small words, phrases, and quotes. Between short, everyday expressions like “Keep smiling!” to longer quotations spoken by famous individuals, inspiration through words was the name of my game. Blogging played its part by providing a place to record this endeavor. Through pictures of the notes I was leaving and my own personal commentary, I hoped to track my growth as the trial developed. The Post-it Effect, although being an active part of my life, was seldom known but to a few of my close friends. I’ve now come to realize that by not associating myself with the notes I was leaving, the motive behind The Post-it Effect was able to shine brighter.
In addition to that realization, I gained many more insights through my note-leaving. After penning hundreds of uplifting Post-its, each note had a way of cementing its truth into my own heart. There’s something about telling someone how beautiful, capable, or unique they are that acts as reminder for myself. I’ve also noticed that giving advice is easy, but living it in is the challenge. Leaving notes for strangers has challenged me to mirror the messages I’m sending. The Post-it Effect has also broadened my scope of kindness. Knowing the power of one sticky note, I’ve channeled into so many other trivial, yet powerful, ways of practicing compassion. Most importantly to me, the Post-it project has unveiled an unexplainable love for humanity in my heart. When I know that anyone could find one of my messages, it truly brings to light the desire for acceptance, encouragement and love that is hidden in us all. Regardless of my interests, beliefs, or opinions, I leave knows that have the potential to touch anyone. That exhilarating, motivating, and promising thought brings me back to that elementary idea of kindness every time.
Awww. So cute. ;-) If I would have had more room to run with it (I did have a rubric to please) I probably would have written a bit more... And made a more solid conclusion. However, the paper was required to be no longer than a page in length, so there ya go!
It was sort of fun to write about the blog, though. I always wish I could talk about it more than I do. (Cue decision for future blogging goals/desires...) Oh yeah, I'm still working on those.
Anyway, hope you have a lovely weekend. These first few days will feel like any normal weekend, but come Monday, I'm putting my SUMMER PANTS ON!
Peace out,
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