Meagan's busy life - the extra time/stress of basketball - Facebook (Because she gave it up for Lent) = LESS blogging than previous seasons of life.
I think not. I've never been good at math.

Good enough summary for me! Angie (Youth director) then proceeded with another witty (and hilarious) comment...
"I wonder what the boys bathroom says! Probably 'Don't miss!'" Hahaha. Still laughing.
So that's that. Good stuff.
On another note, I've been thinking about starting another blog... Well, one that's more just me. I love this one and am NOT giving it up, but think it might be fun to have one that's a little more focused on the beautiful (and not so beautiful) parts of life. Part of me thinks that I have no where near enough of an interesting life to pull that off--which is sort of true, might have to wait until college or something--but let's be serious... I think I could come up with a funny/embarrassing/witty story for every single day of my life. Mmm... Anyway, that's on my brain... I'll keep you updated!
Well, I'm off to cook some breakfast. Yes, I'm feeling the breakfast for supper kind of night. Wish me luck! I'll definitely need it in some element of preparation.

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