Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Eval & Future Calling

Believe it or not, I have been DYING to blog this entire week.

Not to get off on a huge tangent, but I think that's why I need to either seriously evaluate this blog or create another one more life-focused. Although, I hesitate to change the basis of The Post-it Effect because I still really love the idea.

I just don't always remember to put notes up as often as I would like to blog! Hmm... I'll table that idea for another little while. But maybe that's a project for this summer? Thoughts? (Not to mention that I'm still pretty sure NO ONE reads this. And really, I'm okay with that! I am not a very reliable blogger as far as the TPIE and many of the posts are semi-similar. Oh, and probably most importantly, it's a secret to 98% of the people in my life. Drat.)

I'll keep TPIE updated with any future blogging plans for Ms. Meagan. Until then, I'm still going to keep this adventure a rollin'!

Speaking of that...

This note went up during church today. During? Yes, during. I snuck out in the middle of a boring hymn. I mean... I didn't say that. No worries--I returned to my abandoned pew soon after. It's a pretty note, though, eh? I'm not as subtle with my handwriting there. I don't even freakin' care! ;-)

As a weekend update--I took the ACT test this past Saturday. O-M-G. Just joshin' ya... It wasn't too bad. Science kicked my bootay, but everything else was mostly manageable. Funny story, though... At one point, I actually laughed out loud during the test. In my head I was saying, Oookay, let's be serious. I don't even know if that's an algebra problem or a geometry problem.

I sort of wish everyone could take a test with my brain... It's sort of entertaining.

And would you like to know my accomplishment of the night? I cooked something! Hear ye, hear ye... It's true. I made "Sante Fe Casserole". (Recipe kudos to CaitlinHTP)

I did my choppin', my dicin', and my measurin'... And then waited in anticipation for a whopping 25 minutes. Drumroll, please... So yummy! Nom nom nom!

I'm actually not joking. If I was a foodie blogger, I would insert a picture and step by step process here. However, I am not, and would probably make a fool out of myself if I tried. Point: I made a casserole, hey, hey, hey! No burning, spilling, or killing.

Meagan: 1, Fire Dpt: 0.
Bahahaha. OKAY, that might be pushing it. But I'm well on my way!

Off to get ready for the week! G'night.


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