My plan of attack was to put that greeting in Spanish, because I figured more people are familiar with that language. However, I'm not, which is a slight problem. And I'm not going to Google translate my witty 'hello'... I mean HEEELLOOO, that would totally defeat the purpose. So you'll have to pardon my French! ;-)
May I tell you something? The heat index today was 111 degrees--no big deal. So hot! Newsflash, Wisconsin... We aren't the Amazon Rain Forest. If you're going to rock the humidity, the least you can do is show off some exotic animals or something. Duuuh.
I bet you're wondering about my really grown-up, political sounding post title... Well, just you wait, my friend, we'll get there.
My one solid note for you was placed at a Target in the women's bathroom.
(The answer is yes.) Want to know the biggest reason that this is a problem? Well, you see, I'm entering stores and yes, leaving notes, but I seem to keep leaving money there, as well! Somebody, manage my money for me, please!

Alright, here's my budget for the next few months (Well, at least until the end of the summer. The school year brings its own budget.)
1.) Gas - Easily my most consuming expense. How high school do I sound? I know gas may seem trivial to the classic apartment renter or mortgage payer, but this is serious stuff for a 17-year-old student.
2.) Social events - It's summer, okay? Please give me a break, wallet! I'm going to try to keep my social outings to a limit, but I swear they are almost none existent during the school year. So, just this once, I'm attempting to have my cake & eat it, too. We all know how that pans out.
3.) Rollerblades - I've been talking about buying these babies for months. PLEASE, somebody hold me to it! I know they would be/will be a good buy and get their use... But when, oh when will I come up with the guts to lay down the cash? Hopefully soon, for I'm budgeting for them!
4.) Car fresheners - Alright, I know these cost like three bucks. But I keep putting it off because I don't want to spend the money to buy them! Ugh! But the time has come... Next time I see them, I will make my move.

Well, I'm off to do a whole lot of nothin'! I worked all weekend and have sports all day tomorrow... And the humidity outside right now is like 98%. Isn't life beautiful?
Have a good Monday, y'hear?
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