I've been meaning to blog for a few days--here I am!
I've left two sets of notes over the last week, and low & behold, BOTH times I was without a camera. Bummer, dude.
For those of you who know me personally, my cell phone is like a small hand grenade and probably takes about as good of a picture as my drawings you will soon be graced with... (AKA, not good)

Anyway, the first note I left was in a Walmart bathroom. I didn't take a picture (obviously) and scarcely remember what it said. Something along the lines of "Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. You can do it." The first line being a lyric from The Fray. Pretty simple.
Today, however, I was in a Kohls and left the neatest arrangement of notes. I seriously think I let out a big "UGH!" in the bathroom stall when I realized I still hadn't put my camera back in my purse. So, I decided to skip out on leaving the notes...
Just kidding, silly! Of course, I didn't do that. I think that's how I know this project still means something to me... When the best part is not taking a picture that I can put on here, but just being able to LEAVE the notes. Still feels good, if I do say so myself!
Like, I said... It was cool bathroom artwork. So, as an apology for not snapping a picture, I drew one! Please remove any eye hardware prior to viewing... I'm not responsible for any broken lenses.

In all actuality, the last note said "yourself" at the store, but for the sake of drawing, I just wrote 'you'!
Did you follow that? Sort of confusing. Reminder to self to just bring my camera with me.
Hope you're having a good week! I spent the day on a date with my younger sister and mom... I don't get much quality time with them, so it was sort of nice to catch up. My mother reminded me that my 18th birthday is around the corner (As if I've forgotten... Excuse me, I could probably tell you the number of hours until that glorious day!) and asked if I had any ideas about applying to schools.

"You have so much time!"
"You don't have to know right now!"
"You'll figure it out soon enough!"
All very true. But eventually, I'll not have so much time and 'soon enough' will become 'soon as NOW'.
So yeah, I realized I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Or what sort of degree I want. Or even where I should apply in the fall. But I do know this... I want to succeed.

I could live without the monster pay checks and 4-car garage. But this is manageable and most desirable, doncha think?
I'm off to get catch some zzz's. G'night, friends!
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