Ooofda, has it been hot around here lately! Yesterday & today have been quite the scorchers. Nuts!
Okay, so part of me (The "I'm a professional blogger who has a very strict order in which I write my posts" part... Ahem.) wants to give you a nice little intro to the Post-its in this post, but I'm so darn excited I can't even do it! I'm jumping write in to all the hoorah.
So - Friend, Brittany, and I started Sunday out by volunteering at the Special Olympic games in our area. It's sort of grown into a tradition, in which we are continually blessed by all the heart-warming gratitude and joy that each athlete brings to the games we help with. It's something everyone should really do at least once in their lifetime. Anyway, we did that for the early afternoon hours... From there, we began our Post-it spree! (Literally the largest Post-it event this little lady has ever been involved in!)
AND it was Brittany's idea! She's been so awesome about encouraging with the Post-its and her excitement about placing them always seems to refuel my own. Over the course of about an hour, we placed TWELVE Post-it notes within a local mall. Say whaaat?! Yes, I said twelve. Talk about some inspiring ambition! That girl is the Post-it queen.
Anyhoo, We took pictures of most of them - Britt's will hopefully get on here within the next week or somethin' - However, there was an exception with approximately 4 notes in which we left right out the open of different clothing stores. Flash photography would have given away our identity. ;-)

This was the VERY first note of the whole day. It's actually Brittany's (Before she whipped out her camera!) that she placed on the inside of a bathroom stall door. As I mentioned, it was SO SO hot/humid that day, so her note was a definite encouragement - even to this girl!
This next note was the one I put in the bathroom! Mine went on the mirror. :-)

This note went inside a dressing room in the "notorious-for-really-small-girls" store - Ambercrombie & Fitch. No hatin' on the store, because I've seen cute articles of clothing originate from there... However, they're rarely in my size.

Funny story about this lovely Post-it! I intended to put it on the mirror of the dressing room (In Gap, I think...?), however, my room was right outside the counter that the employee checked in people, number of items, etc... So I got nervous that if I put it on the mirror, she would instantly see it as I walked out. Does that make any sense? Anyway, as you can tell, I had to re-think my plan and put it on the back of the door - Next to the handle... Not miss-able!

The last photo I have from our day, was taken in the dressing room of a Marshall's. I hadn't been there before, so it was neat to leave a note AND be introduced to such a laid-back, nice store.

I put two other notes in two other stores after Marshall's. One was on a manikin's hand and the other on the top of a clothing rack. So exhilarating!
Anyway, I'll see if I can talk Brittany into getting her pictures up on here... But what an awesome day of posting, huh? I was so beyond happy Britt brought up the idea! Between Special Olympics, Post-it noting, and hanging with some good people later that evening, Sunday was a very successful memory-making day!
Okay, I'm off to get some shut-eye. Post to you soon!