Gosh. I haven't blogged in SO LONG. (Don't feel guilty, Meagan. Don't do it!) Actually, in all honesty, I haven't had time to feel guilty about blogging. In that sense, it's a good thing, I suppose.
June has been beyond busy. Isn't that ridiculous? Whoever gave humanity the idea that summer vacation was less stressful... Or anywhere near a "vacation," was clearly just messin' with my head.
Between juggling weight lifting, basketball, volleyball, summer league games, teaching summer school, and managing my work schedule between the vet clinic and Camp Wapo... I'm pooped! It never seems like I have quite THAT much... Until I write it out. Busy-ness has it's pros and cons, that's for sure.
Well, I won't sit here and pretend I've posted tons of notes and just "forgot" to take pictures (That's become half the fun!). Since we're being honest, there are some days that I literally don't have time to get out a note. Or when I do, I don't have any materials to do it with.
Now... That I've vented about my Post-it struggles, I'll have to know I did get a few notes out over the last couple days. (Let's just pretend the other week & a half I spent NOT blogging never happened. Kapeesh?)
Yesterday, I wrote this fancy shmancy note and put it in the middle school bathroom. I don't get over to the middle school often during the school year, but find myself going in everyone morning in the month of June to teach summer school. Joy! Anyway, the message on this note was extra short and to the point... But do take note of my artistic design! Yes, I was proud.
Today was a super exciting day in my Post-it world!! Worthy of two exclamation points, mind you. Brittany and I met up this afternoon in a cute little town for some good hang time. Besides just always having fun like usual, we did some posting of notes while together! After climbing a ginormous amount of cement stairs to find a glorious land of milk and honey (Note: That is a lie. We found a housing development.), we took a little stroll to a DQ where we bought some ice cream and chatted for a bit. Eventually, we made our way to a little gift shop where we would quietly leave our notes. I can't even tell you how much more exciting it is to do with someone else!
This would be my Post-it for the day. Brittany and I both grabbed our message/quote out of a book we're reading called The Me I want to Be by John Ortberg- I would definitely recommend it. Anyway, Britt helped me find this thought-provoking question, which I left on a shelf of knick-knacks. Kinda cool!
Brittany left her note oh so creatively in a card. I took a picture of the outside, as well as her note, because I think the outside of the card is encouraging in itself. What a deal that person will get!
Britt is such a good Post-it leaver! I knew should would be, too. Hopefully we'll see more from this lovely lady, yes? ;-)
Well that's that. Thanks, Brittany, for a very enjoyable afternoon... And for leaving your note! Not only is your support for this project most appreciated, but I know with my entire heart that someone else will be effected as well. Good work, friend!
Alright, well, believe it or not, I'm leaving tomorrow with the basketball team for some bonding/tournament play for the weekend. I'm scheduled to be home late Saturday night, with hopefully some Post-it stories from the time gone. Sunday includes a staff lake party for the vet clinic, as well as working that morning and evening. See what I mean!? You can just call me Meagan McBusy.
On a more sentimental note, I really really want to take some time to do some soul searching (More appropriately deemed praying) about my priorities. Being busy can be great, but when it comes down to it, I have to figure out what will really matter to me in 5-6 years, you know? That was my Aristotle-side coming, out. It's true, though! I'll report back with any epiphanies.
Until next time!
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