It seriously took me a few hours to get out of talking-to-third-graders-mode back to reality. It was so awesome to be back at camp (In case I haven't mentioned, I worked last summer, as well.) and the kids were great! Unfortunately, it rained throughout most of the three days, so we did a lot of schedule changing and flying by the seat of our pants. It was also a terrible weekend for homesickness (The worst I've ever seen!) which really tested our "counselor" skills. All in all, it was good. I love, love, love teaching kids about God! Sometimes I don't even know why I get paid. But then... I clean the cabin at the end of the weekend and I remember. Just kidding! But really.
You will be SO proud of me when you see the notes I left while at camp! There is a series of three over the course over six days. Enjoy!
If I haven't already explained this, Tuesday-Friday at camp were staff training days. During this time, we did lots of manual reading, team-bonding games, and just acquainting ourselves with new staff, as well as catching up with old friends. The first note went up towards the beginning of training in a staff bathroom! I figured the older girls could handle a more wordy message.
The second note (In green!) was put up close to the end of our training and the beginning of our first weekend with kids. However, it stayed up over a few days. Funny story: At the first meal with my cabin of twelve elementary school girls, we routinely went into the bathroom to wash our hands. AT LEAST three girls read the sticky note out loud. I got some of the silliest responses! "That's weird!" and "Who left that!?" all so appalled at a stranger's note! So funny. I love kids.
The last sticky note while at camp was placed on the bathroom door of my cabin. I actually really loved the simplicity of this message. If there's anything I want my girls to leave with, it's that. And... After cleaning the cabin/bathroom after the girls had left this morning, I casually moved the Post-it to the mirror for this week's campers to see! So good.
So, anyway, that's about the extent of my last few days. I will probably wake up tonight singing "Pharaoh, Pharaoh" and wondering why my back doesn't hurt from the lovely camp bunks! Also, although I'm extremely grateful, I could NOT be more exited to be done with camp food. I literally was beginning to get sick! That sort of makes me happy, though... I've trained my body well.
Okay, well busy-weekness starts up again tomorrow. Never a dull moment! (That's a lie. There are occasional dull moments... Days...)
Have a good one!
P.S. Laura/Liz, this is your shout-out! Who knows if you two have checked this little blog out, yet... But just wanted to say THANKS for being who you are! I couldn't be more excited for all the fun memories we'll have. Catch ya on the flip-side, ladies!
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