Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I'm tired. Really, and truly. This week has been super nutty with school. I had two really big scholarships due this week and I cannot even tell you how fabulous it feels to have them out of my hands. At this point, finishing the stinkin' scholarship is probably just as rewarding as receiving it. (Okay, it's not... I still want the moola.)
Anyway, I've been meaning to blog for awhile (shocker alert) and wanted to tonight. I do, in fact, have a note waiting for you on my camera. But... I'm too lazy to go transfer it onto my computer. How pathetic is that? It's okay--it'll come soon!
I was thinking the other day about how I feel when I get done with a few days of really stressful deadlines, expectations, and scrambling. You'd think I'd be crabby and tired (legit), irritable and maybe even a little bitter... But after the last few days, I feel really peaceful.
The only thing I can even compare it to is a workout that leaves you practically on the floor. And the next day you basically want to die (is that just me?). But then you realize that it's actually sort of a cool thing because you're A.) becoming stronger and B.) that much more capable of handling an even tougher workout next time. Does that make sense?
Well, that's how I feel. The last few days have been so hectic, they're mostly a blur. However, I'm pretty content with them because it's a little exciting to know that I'm even more prepared to handle similar situations in the future.
After all, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Those are my thoughts. However, that's too much thinkin' for 9:18 at night... I'm nodding off at the computer. ;-)
Sleep tight!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Miss ya!
I promised myself (Seriously promised!) that I would never be the girl who complained about the overwhelmingness (Word? Now it is.) of scholarships.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
People Lovin'

So, I just posted this simple quote on facebook earlier this evening. I'm a little bit quote-obsessive and often share my findings with the social network.
However, tonight, approximately... Oh, four mintues ago, I received an inbox message that will probably forever change how I view the power of words AND social networking.
A quiet girl I go to school with wrote me a private message that said, "Hey I know this is kind of weird, but there's been some pretty bad things happening in my home life lately and I wasn't handling it the best tonight, but your status made me feel stronger for whatever thanks. :) That's all I have to say."
Ohmygosh. Talk about make me choke up a little! I'm was seriously about two minutes from going to bed, got that, and HAD to blog quick. I love people. Every darn one of 'em. (Notice: I don't always like people, in fact, I find myself not liking them probably more than I should.) But loves different and pretty cool like that.
Have a good night!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hello, Random blogging...
I'm currently being caressed by the beautiful voice of Michael Buble, while drinking a class of water and eating carrots. Okay, I lied, I'm eating Starbursts. Don't judge? I only ate four and am done... I think. ;-)
How are you? Beginning to accept the season changes? I think I am... I still do a little bit of freakin' in the morning when I go out to my car. When the day comes that I have to scrape ice off my windows... Oh man... Don't even talk to me. I'll be in a 'mood', to say the least. Kidding, but seriously. However, my list of favorite things currently spans from scarves (That's a love that never fades. I would wear them in the summer if I could. And maybe do.), warm coffee, leggings, boots, and straightened hair that doesn't get frizzy due to humidity. Oh, and whiskers on kittens. ;-)

Anyway, droppin' a note today and it's one I left while shopping this weekend...
Okay, and side note, for those of you who read my budget post a few weeks (okay, a lot of weeks) ago... I'm totally sucking at it. Well, actually, I was doing okay until last weekend. Seriously... I need a personal accountant. Volunteer. Please. I can't afford to pay you. Baha!
However, I suppose I got this little bundle o' joy out. That counts for something, right?
You better have.
Alright, I know this was sort of a random blog post, but I feel like I'm a bit sleep deprived... I think the only reason I'm still awake right now is those four Starbursts. Hopefully I'll get out a more purposeful post in sometime later this week/weekend.
Have a lovely, lovely Wednesday!
P.S. Just read through this post in its entirety and noticed that I say "okay," about a billion times. Excuse my redundant phrasing, but they are in there for dramatic effect. Embrace them!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other...
Actually, I have some calculus and psychology beckoning me from my bag, but I really wanted to this short post out before I forgot. (You totally know how I am.)
As a follow up to my last post, I really have been trying to stay away from the word 'busy.' As in, literally, I'm not using it... At least for awhile, until I come to better terms with how it fits into my life. I had to consciously rephrase an email to a friend. Baaah!

After having this run-in with her in the morning, it took about two hallways and a stop at my locker for me to realize that I couldn't go through the rest of my day without checking in with her. I made my way back to her room as asked her if she needed anything. I promised her that if she wanted help in any way that I would make it work! Of course, as the picture I painted reflects, she told me she was fine and unconvincingly told me that she'd let me know if something came up as tears began to fill her eyes again.
I still don't know what was wrong, but I left a note in there later that day. I don't even know who wrote it because I scribbled it on a piece of paper trying to find words that would be of some sort of comfort.
On a pink Post-it, I (think I) wrote "The comfort of hitting the bottom is knowing the only way you can go is up." I feel like I've heard a similar quote before, but my hand just sort of took the reigns on that one.
That's really all... I hope the note helped. I hope just me asking helped. If nothing else, maybe it helped her get through Wednesday, which is one more day closer to the end of this week. And that's enough for me. I was almost suprised how much I felt for this woman who rarely shows much emotion at all, let alone makes herself vulnerable. It was such a reminder of how alike we all are and how important is to lift each other up whenever we can.

Monday, October 10, 2011
Different Kind of Busy
Anyway, I've got to attribute this post to a girlfriend of mine who randomly reminded me about my little blog haven. It's good to have good people in your life! And, bless her heart, she even graced me with a note for this post! (Yeah, I don't have one right now. Don't judge! I'm hoping her motivation will be a little kick in my pants.)
This is the excerpt it came with--"I took this today in downtown La Crosse. I put this post-it on the windshield of a silver jeep in the parking lot of the Radisson hotel. Hope it made their day and they keep it in their car as a constant reminder!"
Amen, sister yo!
Ugh. Can I just tell you something? I am SO sick of telling people how busy I am! So sick. I listened to a podcast sermon the other day and they talked about our need to be busy. Of course, my first reaction was Are you kidding!? What I would do to not be running around all the time... Well, believe it or not, my first reaction was wrong--as most are--and after some good ol' self-reflection, I realized that I totally fall into that category, too.

I'm so busy. We enjoy telling each other we're busy. We're a busy people.
"How have you been?"
"Oh, I've been busy! You?"
Story of our lives? And when I think about the things that I ALWAYS say I'm busy with... "School, sports, work...", I wonder how beneficial being so busy actually is.
It would be different if I said, "I'm busy with volunteering at the food shelf, teaching Sunday school, and picking up litter in my spare time." I wouldn't feel so guilty about that.
Actually, I take that back. It isn't a guilt thing. It's a I wanna be a more productive human and being mindless busy all the time is not necessarily the answer kind of thing. Does that make sense? I want to be busy with better things
So, I'm going to start by being more careful about the word busy. Am I busy with the right stuff? The things that make me happy, and hopefully others, too? That's my food for thought for the night.

Peace out!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My One & Only Addiction
It was a fine day here. But someone tell me - what is up with this fall weather? I suppose I don't mind it in the least bit, but weird! I'm usually prepared for the most hot, muggy, gross days of summer in August.

I spent the week of July 31-August 5 in Kadoka, South Dakota. Let me tell you, if you're looking to vacation, Kadoka is definitely not the right direction. The town was basically dead and the entire phone book fit on one piece of paper. And I thought my town was small...
However, my destination was not a vacation. A team of people from my church visited the area for a mission trip. We spent the days a few miles away on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Our time there included lots of painting, fixin' up, mowing, playing/teaching kids, and people lovin'.
Here's a little taste of the week:

Our 'theme' for the trip was the idea of being different. Standing up when it's right and stepping in when we should. Hence this note at a gas station somewhere along our 8 hour drive home...
Anyway, that's all for tonight. I plan on blogging again soon - my schedule looks a bit less demanding over the next few weeks!
Peace out,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Budgeted Spending!
My plan of attack was to put that greeting in Spanish, because I figured more people are familiar with that language. However, I'm not, which is a slight problem. And I'm not going to Google translate my witty 'hello'... I mean HEEELLOOO, that would totally defeat the purpose. So you'll have to pardon my French! ;-)
May I tell you something? The heat index today was 111 degrees--no big deal. So hot! Newsflash, Wisconsin... We aren't the Amazon Rain Forest. If you're going to rock the humidity, the least you can do is show off some exotic animals or something. Duuuh.
I bet you're wondering about my really grown-up, political sounding post title... Well, just you wait, my friend, we'll get there.
My one solid note for you was placed at a Target in the women's bathroom.
(The answer is yes.) Want to know the biggest reason that this is a problem? Well, you see, I'm entering stores and yes, leaving notes, but I seem to keep leaving money there, as well! Somebody, manage my money for me, please!

Alright, here's my budget for the next few months (Well, at least until the end of the summer. The school year brings its own budget.)
1.) Gas - Easily my most consuming expense. How high school do I sound? I know gas may seem trivial to the classic apartment renter or mortgage payer, but this is serious stuff for a 17-year-old student.
2.) Social events - It's summer, okay? Please give me a break, wallet! I'm going to try to keep my social outings to a limit, but I swear they are almost none existent during the school year. So, just this once, I'm attempting to have my cake & eat it, too. We all know how that pans out.
3.) Rollerblades - I've been talking about buying these babies for months. PLEASE, somebody hold me to it! I know they would be/will be a good buy and get their use... But when, oh when will I come up with the guts to lay down the cash? Hopefully soon, for I'm budgeting for them!
4.) Car fresheners - Alright, I know these cost like three bucks. But I keep putting it off because I don't want to spend the money to buy them! Ugh! But the time has come... Next time I see them, I will make my move.

Well, I'm off to do a whole lot of nothin'! I worked all weekend and have sports all day tomorrow... And the humidity outside right now is like 98%. Isn't life beautiful?
Have a good Monday, y'hear?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tuesday Artwork
I've been meaning to blog for a few days--here I am!
I've left two sets of notes over the last week, and low & behold, BOTH times I was without a camera. Bummer, dude.
For those of you who know me personally, my cell phone is like a small hand grenade and probably takes about as good of a picture as my drawings you will soon be graced with... (AKA, not good)

Anyway, the first note I left was in a Walmart bathroom. I didn't take a picture (obviously) and scarcely remember what it said. Something along the lines of "Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. You can do it." The first line being a lyric from The Fray. Pretty simple.
Today, however, I was in a Kohls and left the neatest arrangement of notes. I seriously think I let out a big "UGH!" in the bathroom stall when I realized I still hadn't put my camera back in my purse. So, I decided to skip out on leaving the notes...
Just kidding, silly! Of course, I didn't do that. I think that's how I know this project still means something to me... When the best part is not taking a picture that I can put on here, but just being able to LEAVE the notes. Still feels good, if I do say so myself!
Like, I said... It was cool bathroom artwork. So, as an apology for not snapping a picture, I drew one! Please remove any eye hardware prior to viewing... I'm not responsible for any broken lenses.

In all actuality, the last note said "yourself" at the store, but for the sake of drawing, I just wrote 'you'!
Did you follow that? Sort of confusing. Reminder to self to just bring my camera with me.
Hope you're having a good week! I spent the day on a date with my younger sister and mom... I don't get much quality time with them, so it was sort of nice to catch up. My mother reminded me that my 18th birthday is around the corner (As if I've forgotten... Excuse me, I could probably tell you the number of hours until that glorious day!) and asked if I had any ideas about applying to schools.

"You have so much time!"
"You don't have to know right now!"
"You'll figure it out soon enough!"
All very true. But eventually, I'll not have so much time and 'soon enough' will become 'soon as NOW'.
So yeah, I realized I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Or what sort of degree I want. Or even where I should apply in the fall. But I do know this... I want to succeed.

I could live without the monster pay checks and 4-car garage. But this is manageable and most desirable, doncha think?
I'm off to get catch some zzz's. G'night, friends!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Makin' My Comeback!

(Clearly, I used this because A) it gets the point across, but mostly B) THERE'S A CAT IN IT.)
So, I apologize for the things I left unsaid, obviously! I seriously neglected TPIE for most of June... But holy cow, was it busy! July, though still hoppin', should be much less chaotic.
Would you like the run down of June? Well, if not... Skip it. However, I will feel better if I justify my absence. Exhibit A.
Week 1: Staff training @ camp for work
Week 2: Out of commission--wisdom teeth out. :-(
Week 3: Badger Girl State (government camp)... Don't even ask.
Week 4: Volleyball camp er'day from 9:00 to 3:00. That's AM to PM, to you!
And that takes us up to this first week of July... Sigh. I feel a bit better. That is one rockin' month! Oh, P.S. Happy 4th of July! I keep forgetting. For some reason, it doesn't feel like the holiday until more like 6 o'clock... Have I ever mentioned I love fireworks? If any part of my life qualifies me as a pyromaniac, it's the Fourth of July. Love, love, love!
Anyway, on that note, I better get out and enjoy the nice weather and holiday. Here's a note for y'all! It went up sometime over the last few weeks... In a bathroom, if I remember correctly. A department store? What? Yes, probably either Target or, dare I say it, Walmart!
Alright, I'm outta here! Have a great holiday!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
Note(s) coming over the next few days... And some general blog love!
Why has thou forsaken? me is swelling from The Post-it Effect.
Sleep tight, little blog. I'll be back to nurture you tomorrow! Pinky swear.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
TPIE Essay
Hol-y guacamole, it is hot out. And even more than that, HUMID. Yuuuck. Although, I shouldn't be complaining. A few weeks ago, I swore it would still be snowing around this time.

Well, boy, is the cyber-world in a for a treat! I'm using this post to present my Post-it Effect essay from a few weeks ago. It was our last day of school (Holler again!) and I finally have time to get 'er out there. Ready? Here she is!
I’ve always marveled at the simplicity it can take to practice kindness. As a child, being kind was as trivial as sharing toys, borrowing crayons, and being polite. Somewhere along the line, however, we lose sight of these small acts of genuineness. Soon, kindness looks like giving up massive amounts of time to volunteer and donating huge financial numbers. Compassion becomes a chore, even a burden to some. What would it look like to revert back to our “old” and elementary ways of kindness? That was one of many questions that inspired me to begin blogging about a self-initiated challenge which I would come to call “The Post-it Effect”.
The Post-it Effect, as a project, was created in my ambition to better the world. Feeling a bit limited as a full-time student, living in a fairly small and ordinary town, I decided to begin a project in which I would leave Post-it notes in random places for strangers to find. My notes were painted with hopeful optimism and encouraging confidence through small words, phrases, and quotes. Between short, everyday expressions like “Keep smiling!” to longer quotations spoken by famous individuals, inspiration through words was the name of my game. Blogging played its part by providing a place to record this endeavor. Through pictures of the notes I was leaving and my own personal commentary, I hoped to track my growth as the trial developed. The Post-it Effect, although being an active part of my life, was seldom known but to a few of my close friends. I’ve now come to realize that by not associating myself with the notes I was leaving, the motive behind The Post-it Effect was able to shine brighter.
In addition to that realization, I gained many more insights through my note-leaving. After penning hundreds of uplifting Post-its, each note had a way of cementing its truth into my own heart. There’s something about telling someone how beautiful, capable, or unique they are that acts as reminder for myself. I’ve also noticed that giving advice is easy, but living it in is the challenge. Leaving notes for strangers has challenged me to mirror the messages I’m sending. The Post-it Effect has also broadened my scope of kindness. Knowing the power of one sticky note, I’ve channeled into so many other trivial, yet powerful, ways of practicing compassion. Most importantly to me, the Post-it project has unveiled an unexplainable love for humanity in my heart. When I know that anyone could find one of my messages, it truly brings to light the desire for acceptance, encouragement and love that is hidden in us all. Regardless of my interests, beliefs, or opinions, I leave knows that have the potential to touch anyone. That exhilarating, motivating, and promising thought brings me back to that elementary idea of kindness every time.
Awww. So cute. ;-) If I would have had more room to run with it (I did have a rubric to please) I probably would have written a bit more... And made a more solid conclusion. However, the paper was required to be no longer than a page in length, so there ya go!
It was sort of fun to write about the blog, though. I always wish I could talk about it more than I do. (Cue decision for future blogging goals/desires...) Oh yeah, I'm still working on those.
Anyway, hope you have a lovely weekend. These first few days will feel like any normal weekend, but come Monday, I'm putting my SUMMER PANTS ON!
Peace out,
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Why, hello summer!
Holler for the weekend! I'm so happy just at the thought of Memorial Day. It is the unofficial start to summer, you know. The weather today was absolutely phenomenal and I sincerely hope the sun will come out to play for the rest of the holiday weekend.
Hope you had a good week! Last full week of school for this chick (definitely worth a fist pump... Or two.) and I got in a few good runs.

Pretty successful endeavor, if I do say so myself. No really cool stories or anything... I got some gas. Went the bathroom (And put up notes--shhh!). And went home.
In other news, I can't see. Just kidding--sort of. I think I scratched my eyeball sometime between falling asleep last night and waking up this morning! Rats. I think you can equate it to having a hair stuck in your eye. Except it's invisible. And not going away. Here's to hoping this eyeball scratch heals itself soon... Or I'll look like I'm so sad school is ending next week. Which is SO not the case. ;-)
Alright, well I'm off. My evening consists of a lot of nothin'. Although, I've been borrowed two really good reads from some girlfriends... I probably pick up those. Maybe I'll share my thoughts (or at least introduce the titles!) on here.
Oh! Annnnd, I really do want to share my Post-it Effect essay sometime. Expect a post on it soon--Don't let me forget.
Peace out!
Monday, May 16, 2011
I ♥ Blogging
So, I don't know about your current whereabouts, but my yard is FULL of sunshine and SPRING time! (It's May--but I still feel like I should knock on wood for that comment.)
It's B-E-A-utiful outside! (Yes, Bruce Almighty taught me how to spell that word.) I'm so very glad the sun has decided to make an appearance. Please stay!
After taking a nice run around town after school, this was the sight I came home to. Cue Hallelujah Chorus. Such a beaut!
I did, however, have to wrestle with death to get this artsy photo. Bumblebees are also taking advantage of this spring symphony. I don't know that I'm allergic to bees, however, it's fairly common in the world of allergies and for a chick who's allergic to EVERYTHING, I can only imagine what sort of scene a bee sting would cause. I'm just going to steer clear of the friendly creatures.
It truly is the small things, huh? Any other May, I probably wouldn't have noticed the lovely, blooming apple tree outside. Sometimes we forget how to be thankful... And a little deprivation is always a good kick in the pants. I think I just subconciously defended the bad weather. All this sun must be gettin' to me! ;-)
Just looking for reasons to be out of the house & enjoying the weather, I got gas this afternoon, as well. Exhibit A.
Other exciting news? Well, a friend from school has invited me to join a "advertising" crew for the town I live in. With all the economy stuff and even some local job hurt, a group of high schoolers are teaming up with some adults in the area to start a webpage highlighting the positive aspects of this little town.
Now, I'm really, really bad about complaining about my town. Buuut, I've always said that if I didn't live here, it would be a really nice area to hunker down with a family or what not. (Aaah! That thought terrifies me.) Anyway, I know there are positives and it might even be good for me, mentally, to be forced to search them out!
Anyway, this is exciting because the webpage will feature local stories about what makes this area so unique and special. Heeello! Blogging opportunity, here I come!

I know it won't be quite the same feel as my personal blog. But it'll give me a taste of what a career in the field may look like! I'll post a link or something when I have some deets... The page/goals are still very in the making.
Well, that appears to be all, folks. Hope you're enjoying this evening as much as I am. Until next time!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Small Things
I've been workin' my little tail off on some "important" school stuff so that I could reward myself with some good blog time this evening. Whoot, whoot. (Not to mention, I definitely owe a post and have been beckoned to update. Yes, Tim, this is your shout out!)
Hope you had a good weekend! The weather was a little under par... But I can't complain. Whenever I do, it snows more... Some weird relationship I have with Mother Nature.
My weekend update begins on Friday when I left this note o' love...
And then in other news, I spent Saturday/Sunday college visiting with a girlfriend. So fun! It makes me a little giddy to think that I could go to school there someday... Needless to say, I did ask politely to be left on campus. Not so much.
I TOTALLY feel like I should not have to wait a whole 'nother year to get ready for college. Blaaaah.

Patience probably isn't my best virtue.

That's my thought for this week: Being intentionally grateful for the super tiny, microscopic, small things... While I wait for the big ones to happen. Join me?
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Blogging AND School
Name that TV show. Gosh... I was not a fan of Mr. Rogers as a kid. I think my mom purposely put it on shortly before nap time so I would get tired... Which is probably why I detested it so.
It is nice (looking!) out today. A bit breezy... And cold... But at least the sun's out. From the comfort of my computer desk, it's beautiful day in the neighborhood.
So, no new notes to put up... I tried to remember at church today, but my brain said no. I began planning summer worship services (my newest punch to implement some life into the old place...) and in all my excitement over verse themes, song choices, and bonfires, leaving a note slipped my mind.

Anyhoo, I'm writing about blogging! This is a monumental step in The Post-it Effect, you know...
Don't worry--it's still on the down low. I've warned the teacher that it's not exactly for the eyes of my fellow students! Mwahaha. Maybe I'll do a post on the paper when it's finished...
Well, I've got to run to work and then brace myself for the coming week! Actually, we get Friday off for Easter break. Amen to that!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
TPIE Anniversary
Speaking of that, a year ago today gas was averaging $2.83 a gallon. And you know what? I was probably complaining. Today? I paid $3.89 for gas when I dropped my note.
You know what else holds a spot in my heart, a year ago from today?
(Please guess. I'm just so excited!) The Post-it Effect's journey began on April 12, 2010.
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S BEEN A YEAR?! Clearly, I can't. I know I haven't blogged everyday... But holy guacamole! Reflecting on how TPIE has affected my life, it doesn't always seem like very much. Did my every day revolve around it? No. Did I bring it up in conversation whenever I could? (Trick question!) Of course not. And I wouldn't say I went through some revolutionary epiphany that instantaneously made me a better person. (But if you ever find a pill/drink/book that does that, hook a sister up!)
The coolest memories from posting notes has been the small things... Like getting so nervous when on surveillance camera. Or having to type my messages to conceal my identity. Or hearing through the grape vine that some "anonymous person" as been leaving notes around school. Or simply being able write a note, leave it, and know that someone will find it. And whenever I would get discouraged about leaving messages, I would always re-read my introductory post. It put things into perspective. Every. Time.
Since I started leaving Post-its...
- I've really channeled in to the power of kindness. It can be, and more often than not is, so small. And probably feels 10x better when done anonymously.
"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness." - Seneca
- I've learned a lot about myself. Trust me, I've gotten weird looks from people... There's a point when you move past that and just keep going because you know it's right in your heart.
"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." - John Wooden
- I've tried to practice what I preach. By no means I have perfected this. In fact, majority of the time, I'd say I fail miserably. However, everyone stands by their own advice because they believe it's the truth. The challenge is to live in it. Leaving these notes for strangers has challenged me to mirror the message I leave...
"Sometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits right into this empty place in your heart." - From the television show My So-Called Life
Although, as you know, I'm debating on what direction I want to head with blogging, I am so very grateful for this year of Post-it leaving. In some way or another, the trend will continue.Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on;
'Twas not given for thee alone, Pass it on;
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
'Til in Heaven the deed appears - Pass it on.
- Henry Burton, Pass It On