I hope that this post finds you enjoying a very lovely Sunday afternoon! After a very full day at church, I came home, changed, and was out on the porch with a book within 15 minutes of walking in the door. The sun is shining and people are all out and about. So lucky to have such nice weather in April... (Knock on wood!)
As you can tell (or maybe not), I didn't post anything yesterday. I'm sure the person that it effected the most was me, who now is emotionally attached to this little experience-sharing venue. But I didn't get my Post-it out until late Saturday evening and decided that maybe just a "weekend" Post-it status update would suffice.
I thought I had Saturday's Post-it all figured out. I needed to stop for gas and decided I would slip the note somewhere in the convenience store while I was there. However, subconsciously, I ended up riding with a friend and accidentally forgot all about my gas station stop. Our destination seemed less than desirable for my Post-it at that moment. We were headed to the high school for a school activity night. I was a little upset with myself at first because I was anxious to hide the Post-it outside of the school building. It ended up working out just fine, though—in fact, I was very satisfied with my Post-it's final placement.
I put it in a single-subject, lime green notebook. The notebook was neatly placed on a prize table put together for a game of Bingo. Along with dozens of other notebooks, snacks, t-shirts, sports equipment, and DVDs, I quickly (and secretively!) opened the notebook to a random page placed it there. Someone would eventually walk up, adrenaline rushing through their entire body from yelling "BINGO!!" just seconds before, and take that notebook home with them, completely unaware of the Post-it inside...
Today's Post-it acted as a stress-reliever for the girl who wrote it out and placed it. (That's me!) There was a very large Sunday School program that the kids presented at both services today. Only three of my sixteen 4th grade students ended up showing up for it and they just so happened to have been in a very rambunctious, crazy, "I'm not going to listen to anything you have to say!" kind of mood. Anyway, we made it through the first service without any major break-downs, tears, or arguments—that includes the 4th graders and me ;-)
In between services was when I found some time to place my sticky note. I scribbled the words "You are beautiful" onto a purple note and put it in the ladies restroom. Normally, I would have refrained from using my own handwriting to keep things as anonymous as possible, but I realized that there are very few people that could pick out my handwriting at church—especially compared to school. Besides that, I do really like the personality and humanity that handwriting a Post-it can convey, so when I feel comfortable I think I'll try to use my own penmanship from now on...

Well, there you have it. Along with beautiful weekend weather, my weekend Post-its were both reminders of beauty, and I know for sure that they fell into the hands of two beautiful people...
Enjoy your day! You deserve it :-)
I absolutely LOVE that you put a Post-it in the prize notebook! What a great idea, Meagan. I can only imagine the joy and inspiration that brought to the person who got it. So cool.