Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Week in Review

Happy, happy Friday!

Fridays just feel good, don't they? It's always nice to come to a break in your work schedule, school days, or just general chaos that a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday can bring.

Okay, not all Mondays are bad. And not all Fridays are completely peachy, but regardless, finishing a week is a way to measure our successes, our growth, and even the mistakes we'll eventually learn from. Or on this end, the Post-its that (hopefully!) fell into the right hands.

Friday's Post-it (A salmon/orangey color that read, "Don't be fooled—You. Are. Worth. It." ended up on one of the cafeteria lunch tables. I know, I know, not so personal, right? Let me explain—I decided on this spot, in hopes that it would reach multiple people at the same time. What sort of chit-chats could this encouragement spark? Would those kids learn something new about one of their friends? Would they acknowledge the note and possibly create their own small acts of kindness?

To tell you the truth, I don't know what those boys did with it. I had initially thought it was a table in which a large majority of girls sat at, but was proved wrong when I walked into the cafeteria at 11:30. Oh well—whether or not those 6-7 boys actually made a conversation out of it, I might never know, but maybe just one of them took it to heart. And that's a good enough number for me.

Week #1 of The Post-it Effect is winding down... I will still be placing notes over the weekend and have yet to decide where! All I know is that my last 5 days would have been a whole lot less enjoyable, meaningful, and even suspenseful, had I not been writing Post-its. I can only hope 5 other people feel the same way.

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived... This is to have succeeded."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

T.G.I.F :-)


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