Today's Post-it was taken another step farther—So exciting!
I "put together" my Post-it before school even began this morning. On a regular, manila sticky note, I put the words "Don't judge others... Or yourself" with a few colorful designs behind it. I didn't have any placement for the Post-it picked out ahead of time and decided to kind of fly by the seat of my pants for the rest of the day...

By 7th hour, I decided it was about time I got to it. Would anyone even see it this late in the day? Better late than never, as they say. So I ran to the girl's bathroom and placed the Post-it on the paper towel dispenser. I figured someone would be going to the bathroom within the next few hours... If they have a bladder like mine, anyway. (Bahaha!)
Well, get this—While walking down the hallway, not even an hour later, that same colorful little sticky note caught my eye. There it was, taped to a random locker in the freshman hallway.
This is a historic (Is that pushing it?) moment in The Post-it Effect project. Someone moved the sticky note to a new location. I, personally, don't know who or why they moved the Post-it... But hey, they noticed it, right? They took the time to peel if off, repel any urge to throw it away, and physically put it in a different place. And I can only imagine that through all this manual labor, they merely glanced at the encouraging reminder on the note...
Maybe they giggled at themselves as they relocated some stranger's note! Maybe they admired the idea and quickly went to go plant one of their own. (And these Post-it "plants" do NOT give out the same irritating side effectst of normal spring allergies... I promise!) Oh the possibilities...
I love it!
Have a fantastic evening,
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