Happy Earth Day!
Is it weird that this is definitely in my top 5 favorite holidays? I just like what it stands for, you know? Although, I suppose everyday should be Earth Day.
Subconsciously, today's Post-it was green—how appropriate! Anyway, it said, "Find your passion," and let me tell you, it took WAY longer than I thought it would to dot (color-coded rainbow, by the way!) the frame around it. It made for lots of extra Post-it bonding time.
I didn't really have any cool stories about the Post-it. I taped it to the mirror in the bathroom 7th hour and it was there at the end of the day, just begging for a picture!
I think the meaning hit me harder after I got home.
Because I have such an exciting, super-cool life for a high school girl, I decided to spend some time picking up trash along the highway I live on. It actually worked out perfect because, due to an annoying back injury, I've had to lay off the running the last few days (crushing, I know...), but walking was something I definitely could handle.
Anyway, 3 ticks, 4 dead animal carcases, zillions of flies, and 3 FULL garbage bags later... (And yes, there was still more out there. Ridiculous!)
I came to the conclusion that that is my passion. Or as much as I know about it right now... I guess I may still be growing in to it.
Have you found yours? Are you still looking? I believe that's one of the most important things to obtain in life—a passion—something you want to put your whole heart into. It's not an obligation, a chore, or a stressor... It's a gift every single day.
Sound like Gandhi much? Aristotle? Well, they were pretty smart guys... ;-)
Sleep tight, don't let the "side-of-the-road" bugs bite! Bahaha.
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