Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why, hello summer!

Hi, homies!

Holler for the weekend! I'm so happy just at the thought of Memorial Day. It is the unofficial start to summer, you know. The weather today was absolutely phenomenal and I sincerely hope the sun will come out to play for the rest of the holiday weekend.

Hope you had a good week! Last full week of school for this chick (definitely worth a fist pump... Or two.) and I got in a few good runs. As far as notes go, I put two up a gas station today. What up!

Evidently, I was itching for some Post-it variety. I must've put my creative pants on this morning!

And then one for familiarity...

Pretty successful endeavor, if I do say so myself. No really cool stories or anything... I got some gas. Went the bathroom (And put up notes--shhh!). And went home.

In other news, I can't see. Just kidding--sort of. I think I scratched my eyeball sometime between falling asleep last night and waking up this morning! Rats. I think you can equate it to having a hair stuck in your eye. Except it's invisible. And not going away. Here's to hoping this eyeball scratch heals itself soon... Or I'll look like I'm so sad school is ending next week. Which is SO not the case. ;-)

Alright, well I'm off. My evening consists of a lot of nothin'. Although, I've been borrowed two really good reads from some girlfriends... I probably pick up those. Maybe I'll share my thoughts (or at least introduce the titles!) on here.

Oh! Annnnd, I really do want to share my Post-it Effect essay sometime. Expect a post on it soon--Don't let me forget.

Peace out!


Monday, May 16, 2011

I ♥ Blogging

Happy Tuesday, friends!

So, I don't know about your current whereabouts, but my yard is FULL of sunshine and SPRING time! (It's May--but I still feel like I should knock on wood for that comment.)

It's B-E-A-utiful outside! (Yes, Bruce Almighty taught me how to spell that word.) I'm so very glad the sun has decided to make an appearance. Please stay!

After taking a nice run around town after school, this was the sight I came home to. Cue Hallelujah Chorus. Such a beaut!

I did, however, have to wrestle with death to get this artsy photo. Bumblebees are also taking advantage of this spring symphony. I don't know that I'm allergic to bees, however, it's fairly common in the world of allergies and for a chick who's allergic to EVERYTHING, I can only imagine what sort of scene a bee sting would cause. I'm just going to steer clear of the friendly creatures.

It truly is the small things, huh? Any other May, I probably wouldn't have noticed the lovely, blooming apple tree outside. Sometimes we forget how to be thankful... And a little deprivation is always a good kick in the pants. I think I just subconciously defended the bad weather. All this sun must be gettin' to me! ;-)

Just looking for reasons to be out of the house & enjoying the weather, I got gas this afternoon, as well. Exhibit A.

Short & sweet. That's how I roll. (Bahaha... K, not all the time.)

Other exciting news? Well, a friend from school has invited me to join a "advertising" crew for the town I live in. With all the economy stuff and even some local job hurt, a group of high schoolers are teaming up with some adults in the area to start a webpage highlighting the positive aspects of this little town.

Now, I'm really, really bad about complaining about my town. Buuut, I've always said that if I didn't live here, it would be a really nice area to hunker down with a family or what not. (Aaah! That thought terrifies me.) Anyway, I know there are positives and it might even be good for me, mentally, to be forced to search them out!

Anyway, this is exciting because the webpage will feature local stories about what makes this area so unique and special. Heeello! Blogging opportunity, here I come!

I know it won't be quite the same feel as my personal blog. But it'll give me a taste of what a career in the field may look like! I'll post a link or something when I have some deets... The page/goals are still very in the making.

Well, that appears to be all, folks. Hope you're enjoying this evening as much as I am. Until next time!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Small Things

Good evening blogworld!

I've been workin' my little tail off on some "important" school stuff so that I could reward myself with some good blog time this evening. Whoot, whoot. (Not to mention, I definitely owe a post and have been beckoned to update. Yes, Tim, this is your shout out!)

Hope you had a good weekend! The weather was a little under par... But I can't complain. Whenever I do, it snows more... Some weird relationship I have with Mother Nature.

My weekend update begins on Friday when I left this note o' love...Filling up for gas (and crying--Okay, kidding. But hardly.), I left the Post-it on the pump. The note connects to the sucky weather that seems to be never-ceasing around here. The forecast, however, for this coming weeks looks mighty hopeful!

And then in other news, I spent Saturday/Sunday college visiting with a girlfriend. So fun! It makes me a little giddy to think that I could go to school there someday... Needless to say, I did ask politely to be left on campus. Not so much.

I TOTALLY feel like I should not have to wait a whole 'nother year to get ready for college. Blaaaah. K, that's a bit dramatic. And morbid. But you get the point...

Patience probably isn't my best virtue.But I think waiting is MORE miserable (than it already is!) when you sacrifice the little joys of the present. Yes, they may seem super trivial and lame in comparison to the bigger mountain you're climbing, but they can only make the hike more bearable right? I can't think of any logic that would support a WORSE attitude after giving thanks for the small things. Small as they may be.

That's my thought for this week: Being intentionally grateful for the super tiny, microscopic, small things... While I wait for the big ones to happen. Join me?


“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke