Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Once upon a time...

I grew up.

Over night, I swear.

I'm now the crazy, college kid I've always read statuses about on Facebook.

"Sixth cup of coffee for the day!" (Okay... Probs did that before, too.)

"Up until 2am doing homework..." (Haven't done the all-nighter. Praise the LORD. I think I would die.)

"Sooo many papers!" (Easily have written more than I did my entire high school career.)

and finally... "What am I going to be when I ACTUALLY grow up?!"

(Answer still pending.)

I am remembering, however, one thing that has not transformed magically over the last few months...
How much I really do love to write.

So, here's my proposal: I'm going to make a new blog. Okay not "new", but another blog.

I still want to keep this one forever. (Good thing, too, because the internet these days ain't lettin' it go anywhere too soon!) I loooove this blog. I love what it stands for. I love the memories it holds.

And I love how I have grown from it. Will I still update this blog? Probably.

Often? Probably not. (When have I EVER updated often...? Oooops.)

So... I suppose the question is. What shall I call this new blog? It's just going to be me. Just my nutty, Meagan thoughts. Ideas welcome... and needed. ;-) More info on that to come.

Happy Monday, by the way!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rain, rain go away!

Mark today as the most dreary, don't-want-to-be-at-work day ever. All I want to do is go home and watch a movie in my bed clothes.

But alas, here I sit... Answering phone calls and forwarding them because, in all reality, I still have no idea what I'm doing. Yay!

Is it five o'clock, yet? Or better yet, the weekend?

It's just one of those sorta days.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Dude, that was my 100th post. I'm so doing a little celebratory dance in my cubical head. Happy day!

Just so you know...

I work in a cubical now.

So, although I don't have a Post-it pic for you right now, except some desperate posting commotion from this end.

Until then, I hope this will tide you (okay, and mostly me) over.

This is what keeps me awake during work.

This is an example of what I'm looking up 45% of the time at work.

This is what I remind myself when I feel absolutely clueless at work.

 This is honestly what I think about Mondays at work. (Monday = deadline day)

This is what I tell myself when my bosspeeps are telling me things that fly right over my head at work.

This is how I feel about brainstorming article titles at work.

And finally, this is puts things back into perspective... at work.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Catching Up

Hello, hello!

It feels quite nice to be sitting here on a mild spring afternoon just typing. It feels pretty right. You know how sometimes you're in a big rush all day long and before you know it you're laying in bed wondering where your day went? Yeah, moments like these make that striking realization a little less harsh.

Well, I'm assuming hoping some of you are reading a new post on this teeny blog for the first time. For those of you who maybe aren't... Allow me to explain. :-)

This last weekend I was presented with the opportunity, through a scholarship foundation, to fly down to Atlanta, Georgia for a weekend of absolute bliss. I have gained a tremendous amount of respect for the Coca-Cola Company for their generosity in providing transportation, living expenses, and an academic scholarship to be used over the next 6 years. Or so I thought. I had NO idea what an elaborate, packed-full, exciting, and memorable few days in Atlanta  it would be. I was so very blessed.

Among other things, (Okay, I can't resist filling you in. We met the CEO of Coke, Morgan Freemen, countless other prestigious business professionals, visited the Martin Luther King memorial, had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time in the global Coca-Cola headquarters, AND met so many other amazing young adults. Alright, back to the story) each student (Sorry--back up. There were 250 kids selected for this scholarship. Out of 84,000. Nobigdeal.) was interviewed over the course of our stay for the chance to increase our scholarship's monetary value. WHATWHAT!

I, however, was so blown away by the amount of people who knew about my blog--I actually did tell all sorts of people about it. Gasp!--and even more so, the number of individuals who wanted the address. I was further inspired to literally litter the Coca-Cola facilities, hotel, and various other destination with Post-it notes. (P.S. Coca-Cola is actually super environmentally friendly. Would they approve of this kind of litter? Good question.)

So, here are just a few of many, friends. Enjoy!

Yellow must have really been on hand all weekend. ;-) If you're interested in passing it on, you can email me a picture of your note at

You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.  - John Wooden

Over and out,



Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dear long-lost friends,

Do you even dare check this page anymore? It's been so neglected for MONTHS. Oh how I apologize... Both to you and the poor, little blog. But mostly you. (Michelle, Lisa, & Ariel for never hesitating to remind me when a month goes by without a post. Props to you girls for keeping me in line.)

Can I share some devastating news with you? TPIE's partner in crime--my CAMERA--is missing. What the heck, right? Is this karma for failing to blog over the last two months? Because that is just not very nice.

.... Okay, I could just erase everything I wrote above. But this is embarrassing funny stuff. After writing the above paragraph, I decided to go check one last time in my purse for my camera. Of course, it took me about .3 seconds before I located it in the back zip-up pocket that it's always been in. What the! The only thing I can think of that would explain this weird phenomenon is that I dreamed I had lost my camera. I'm not kidding--If you think I'm kidding, I'm not. Some people dream that they find things in weird coat pockets, this girl dreams that she loses things. On the bright side, however, let it be known that my camera is NOT missing and I do, in fact, have a note for you!
Now, to be completely honest, I have no idea where this note was placed or when the heck I didn't. For some reason, I faintly remember shopping and putting it up. Oh, and it's in a bathroom--I know that much is true! ;-)

Alrighty, well here's to hoping that I can get on here and blog more! Whoever said your senior year was a breeze was really a slacker wrong. Between homework, scholarships, and working, I promise to try and get on here more often. I really do love it and am so happy that some of you are so eager to be along for the ride, too! Thanks for encouraging me. :-)

Have a lovely Wednesday, friends!
