Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Comfortably Posting


It's been a few days! I actually placed a note yesterday, but did some late-night babysitting and wasn't able to blog about it. So that's what today's for!

After a jam-packed day of shopping/swimming/babysitting, I was heading no where but my bed after getting home last night.

However, the shopping segment of my day was where I placed the Post-it. I'm sure you probably could've inferred that after seeing it...

Placing the notes has become so natural! In a good way, though, I think. Now, if some stranger sees me at a Target (Although I still smile at myself for how weird I look...) I don't even think twice about it. And when I'm with friends, I usually am pretty casual about just whipping out a note and putting it somewhere and snapping a pic. I don't draw any extra attention to it, by any means... And I try not to do it more than once/very often with the same friend... Just in case they begin to catch on.

Anyhoo, today wasn't quite as eventful. Hit up a few graduation parties, but eventually made my way back home. I made a yummy, little dinner that consisted of brown rice w/ some taco seasoning... in a whole-wheat tortilla and lettuce. Mmmm! Plans for the rest of the night? I have a few cards/letters to write and should maybe do something about Mt. Laundry that's built up in my room. Normally I'm extremely good about being organized, but apparently I've turned over a new leaf...

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day! PLEASE go outside and enjoy the weather. So beautiful!

Hasta luego! (I'm in French, but my Spanish isn't half bad!) ;-)


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday Lovin'

Happy Thursday!

I know I've mentioned this before, but I really like Thursdays. Especially when they include nice weather and good connections all day...

The Post-it today went on the gas pump (Yes, Britt, while you passed me! I wanted to gesture it so bad. But I remembered that I'm secretively undercover...)

I decided a gas pump was a really good idea! I know it won't stay there for an extreme amount of time, but gas stations are used so regularly, it's bound to be worth it. Although, they, too, have lots of cameras up and around... Which always make me a little nervous. Ha! That sounds goofy. I get nervous for leaving positive sticky notes... As if it's illegal. Gosh, I'm loosing it!

Anyway, that's that. After getting gas, I went and watched a friend play soccer. It was an exciting game (for a soccer game, anyway) and they won 5-3. After, I went and watched the younger sister play baseball and then moseyed my way back home.

Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try to go to bed a little earlier tonight. My allergies have been through the roof with all this nice weather (Can't have your cake and eat it, too, as they say.) plus my bedtime has been gradually getting later over the last week. Must be ready to be done with school...

Have an awesome night! And when in doubt, tomorrow's Friday :-)


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rebellious Posting

Bonjour mon ami(e)(s)!

That's my shot at French for you... For those of you who don't speak this beautiful (Ha!) language, that translates to "Hello, my friend!" However, the "e" is used when I'm talking about a friend that's a female, otherwise it would just end in an "i." And the "s" makes the word plural if I'm talking about more than one friend! There's your grammar lesson for the day :-)

Anyway, the Post-it I put up today went on an advertisement at the bank. I had to stop to withdraw some extra moola, and snuck the note on a ad next to the ATM on my way out! Let me tell you, doing something secretively in a bank is a scary thing to do! I felt like I had about 7 cameras on me... And another 3-4 security guards wondering where my sanity went.

I never actually saw anyone, but it seemed pretty rebellious. And, although it's sort of cliche, the note went along with my bank-theme. I can say, in all honesty, that it's definitely nice to remember my worth as a person is not determined by the amount of money I own. I'd be a very, very lousy person, that's for sure ;-)

As for the rest of the night, I spent a significant amount of time watching elementary-aged girls frolic around a baseball diamond. My sister had her first little-league game today, so I figured I ought to go. Since then, I made a nice little pot of rice, a piece of toast, and am debating on what to do about my lack of a respiratory system. My allergies are going off the hook!

Alright, well you have a fantastic night! Don't let the bed bugs bite! (Especially if you're allergic.)


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blogging? Oh that's right, I do!

Why hello!

Thought I'd fallen off the edge of the planet? Mentally, probably. Buuut, no, not physically... I just took a little breaky from the blog world for awhile.

Towards the end of last week, I began to realize that placing Post-its was becoming right on the verge of stressful. I don't think it was actually causing any anxiety or anything... But I was feeling guilty when I'd forget to put one and letting it consume a little bit too much of ME. And if there's one thing I've ever learned is that you have to help yourself in order to help others.

So, I think I'm going to revise a little bit in hopes of making sure this hobby stays meaningful (Not that is hasn't been thus far—I've LOVED it—but as a prevention step as to not become bored with it.) If I lose the passion I've had behind it this whole time, then it's really not worth half as much.

I think aiming for a Post-it everyday is a little high. Any thoughts? I probably will continue to put one often, almost daily, but on those days where I really don't have any need to go to the gas station/grocery store or other public place, I won't guilt-trip myself into putting up a Post-it. Deal? Deal.

However, today I did need to make a grocery run... And had a pretty enjoyable time putting up a few notes at the store:

I really didn't plan the ice cream touch... But sort of funny, huh? I was just looking for a glass door with little condensation, so the Post-it would stick... Ironic.

What would this blog be w/o a bathroom Post-it every once in a while? And, for my own 2 cents, I just really like that message. People always underestimate how appreciated they are.

Well, there's my Post-it venting for the day. Just had to get my priorities, as far as the notes go, straight. It's not about quantity, it's about quality.

Have a fabulous Sunday evening and a super good Monday!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You're Invited!

Hooray for 2010 seniors!

Today (In our school district, anyway) marks the senior's last day of high school. Love them, but I think most people are just as ready for them to move on as they are! I suppose we all start to get antsy at the end of the year.

Wednesday's Post-it goes out to them. Granted, it applies to every single person that could stumble upon it, but in light of their good accomplishment, this message seemed fitting. Chances of me placing other sticky notes with similar sayings over the next few days are pretty good...

Because I cry at the drop of a pin, I know that to come across this note as a graduating senior would be rough on the eyeballs! I understand that not all people are as cheesy/emotional/dramatic/just down-right girly... As me. But I do think we all need a reminder every once in a while that we have the potential to do so much good. That gives me the shivers! I would especially like to remind those of you who are NOT 2010 graduates, including myself (unfortunately), that that invitation is open to everyone, all the time. So exciting :-)

Happy good-doing to you!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello there!

Aaaah... I love nice weather. Although it probably shouldn't have such a large effect on my personality, I'd say it definitely does. What can I say? I have a very, very big crush on Mr. Sun.

Before you notice (If you already did, rewind quick, and pretend you didn't!), I'll admit to getting a little bit of water on today's Post-it. I scolded myself for this, later, I promise.
But, in my defense, I had to go through the whole Post-it drill very quickly today! I put it on the door of the girls' bathroom. Pretty risky! But nobody saw... That I know of.

I ran across this saying a few months ago and instantly fell in love. When I first read it, I thought they had accidentally jumbled the more well known phrase "You have to see to believe." After letting it run through my brain a few times, I realized that it was no mistake! Somethings really do have to be believed to be seen. I feel like I've "preached" on this before...

Take almost anything hard you've ever done: a grueling run, a trick off the diving board, a extensive test... It's hard to accomplish anything if you don't believe in yourself. Yes, sometimes you can get by by studying your brains out or pushing forward to end up at the "finish line," but how much stress, discontent, and yucky-ness did that bring you? To see results, you have to ground yourself in the belief that it is possible.

Okay, off the soap box... Just thought I'd share that little tidbit of insight :-)

I'm off to possibly do some future biology homework... But probably not.

I'll actually probably go take out my contacts, watch an episode of Growing Pains (My eyes can handle this without their crutch!), and then say a prayer or two before going to bed! That sounds more like it ;-)



Monday, May 17, 2010

Reminder to Self

Placement: Wall of high school gym

Wish I had time to share (although there wasn't much excitement to go along with this note!), but it's getting a little on the late side and I guess I just need some time to remind myself of the same messages I try to send everyday.

Talk to you soon,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

It has been TOO long!

Well hello!

Remind me to never let three days go by without blogging again! Actually, I really need to learn to be more flexible with it, because the summer might be a little harder to find as much time. Granted, I'll still be writing, just maybe not everyday, you know? But... This weekend, I did get three Post-its out! That's sort of a lot to talk about, and I don't want to completely bore you, so I'll try to make each one sort of quick

#1: Friday

Friday's note was placed on the mirror of that bathroom at a local baseball field. We have a city league who plays on most Fridays/Saturdays during the summer, and a friend and I went to their opener! In order to get this note up without looking like a total goof, I was forced to let my girlfriend in on my little secret! I totally trust her with it, though. (Plus, I told her she'd most likely be beheaded if she spilt the beans!) You'll notice I ended up getting in the picture, unfortunately, because I was SO nervous someone would walk into the super tiny restroom while I was doing it. I've never taken a picture so fast in my LIFE!

One more funny story, we went to the bathroom in the first place to clean up a scrape that my sister's friend, Katy, had gotten on her hand. Katy is only 5, so when I put the note up, she innocently asked "What does that say?" Because I knew there were other people in bathroom stalls, I smoothly (Baha—not!) told her that "someone" must have put it up. Don't you love how children believe whatever you say? She gave no argument and we left. So cute!

Okay, #2: Saturday

No picture :-( I'll tell you that story, first. I actually DID take a picture of Saturday's Post-it. However, as you'll read later, I spent today with a few friends and when one decided to pick up my camera, I didn't hesitate to grab it quick. Without even thinking, I deleted the Post-it. Sometimes, it's so hard to keep this on the down-low! They never really asked me about it, though. Just unfortunately lost the pic. Oh well.

Anyway, the sticky note went in another bathroom. Is it weird how many bathrooms these go in? I think it's because you can find one ANYWHERE and they're places lots of people enter/exit.

Anyway, at the "bus races" (Explanation in Thursday's post—"Creativity at it's Finest) I took my sister and her friend, Katy (again!), to the bathroom. While there, I put a pretty, purple note that said "You are lovely just the way you are!" in a stall. I really like the world lovely. It just sounds so wonderful.

On to #3: Sunday/Today

First of all, yes, the graffiti says "smoke weed." Although it so very tempting (Bahaha!) I'm definitely not into drugs, which is partially why I decided to write/place the note that I did.

Some background: Two friends and I spontaneously decided we wanted to go find somewhere nice to have lunch outside. We drove half an hour to a nice, woodsy waterfall. Going over the stream, there is a cute little bridge where we had planned to sit down. However, upon coming to this bridge, we found a few girls sitting there. Not wanting to intrude on their personal space, we continued walking (Although, we were really bummed we couldn't sit there!) Once we found a new set of rocks to sit down on, we all agreed they were most definitely smoking marijuana. That also explained there totally guilty, embarrassed, scared faces when they first saw us. We had a little laugh about it, but then concluded it was actually quite sad.

Not too long after, the girls left (I would, too!) and we went to go sit by the bridge. That's when we saw today's Post-it home. After our previous encounter, I decided that's where I wanted that note to go. My friends just thought it was a little random act, when in fact it was all part of the Post-it Effect ;-)

That's all, folks! I'd say it was a very successful Post-it weekend. Minus the fact that I'm such a procrastinator...

Plans for tonight? Well, re-learn how to walk. I took a 5.5 mile run today (That's a personal best—distance wise!) and not even 30 min. later, walked the same route with a friend. That's 11 miles on my legs! They are very, very unhappy with at the moment. I suppose discipline is never pleasant at the time... Now, I have a few things to get ready for this week and then hitting the hay early tonight!

Have a good one!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Creativity at it's Finest

4 days down, 1 to go!

I actually enjoy Thursdays... They are like the last final push of the week. Yes, I still try on Fridays, but they just don't seem quite as demanding as the proceeding week days.

Another day of little Post-it action. It was super nice, though. I put it up around the same time as yesterday (hopefully I'll get into this early habit!). I spent a little extra time deciding where I wanted to put it... My creativity has seemed low the last few days. I ended up going with the door to the "Teacher's Lounge." That term seems so silly to me, because I just think back to elementary school when no one ever saw the inside of the mysterious gathering room. We use to fantasize that there might be a pool in there... Or just a big, Hawaiian party. I was definitely creative as a kid!

It was neat to see the Post-it stay up all day long. Teacher's file in and out of that door countless times a day, and there's not a doubt it my mind that someone saw it. Hopefully it'll be a good encouragement to keep pushing through these last few weeks of school. Many students fail to realize that our educators are ready to be done just as soon as we are!

Anyway, it's been raining here all week and suppose to clear up nicely this weekend. Any exciting plans? Hopefully, I'll do some more car looking/researching as well as go to the local bus races (races @ speedway in which schools around the area build a bus through their tech. department and race each other. Yes, I live in a hick-town.)

Throughout all this, I plan to get all my daily Post-its in... And blog whenever I find the chance!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Addie's at it Again...

Hello friend(s)!

Today I had zero memory laps when it came to creating/placing a Post-it. In fact, I got it out much earlier in the day than I have been... Little did I know, that would just make for more time for my curious Post-it seeker to find it. Yep, she did!

I feel like I need a codename for this friend of mine... We'll call her Addie. I like that name and just feel like typing it over & over again, if you're wondering how I came up with it.

Anyway, Addie didn't waste a single moment between my posting the sticky note and confronting me about it.

I put up the Post-it towards the end of my 2nd hour class. Less than 20 minutes later, on the way to my 3rd period, it was GONE. Whenever a Post-it goes missing here are the first things to pop into my head...

1.) Someone tore it down. I'm not sure why this pessimistic picture is the first thing that I think of. It'd be nice to think that people wouldn't do that, but it is high school. 'Nough said, right?

2.) Someone took it! This would be my deepest, most lovely hope. I'd almost rather someone take it than it stay where it is. (Granted, taking it to the garbage doesn't count!) If one person resonated with it enough to want to take it with them, I'd say it did its job.

3.) I never actually put it up. Bahaha! Just joking. I'm not that crazy... I just don't really have a third thought when a Post-it goes missing ;-)

Back to the Post-it. It was gone. So, I went through the mental thought process and eventually had to put it on the back burner and put my French-pants on. (French is my 3rd hour class! Clever, huh?)

Between classes right after, I ran into Addie.

"Meagan, I grabbed a Post-it it to show you." (With a super confident smirk on her face, too!)

"Where'd this one come from?" I asked.

"The drinking fountain!"

"The same one?" I asked... Because... You know, I didn't know.

"No, different hallway." She said. I'm pretty sure by this time, I was looking a bit guilty...

"Okay, bring it to American Lit. with you!" I replied as I dashed off. One more second there and I would've lost it!

So, anyway, later she brought it to me and showed me. As you can tell from the photo, it was typed, so right away I made a point to say that there's no way she could tell from my handwriting.

"I know, but the last one was." Which is actually not true... Bahaha. But oh well.

After, she tried to give it to me, but I told her to keep it for obvious reasons. I wonder how suspicious I look... She hasn't really ever argued with me when I've denied it. Aaaah!

I've defintely had enough Post-it action for this week. But, better that than feel like nothings happening with them. Thanks, Addie, for reminding me that people DO see them. It's actually pretty encouraging! (Once I get past almost wetting my pants!) ;-)

Have a B-E-A-utiful Thursday!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ripple Effect II

Fortunately for my blood pressure, today brought no curious Post-it finders. That's really okay, though, because I need time to generate excuses and general composure. :-)

I actually ended up hiding my Post-it outside of the school building. Don't worry—I'm not nervous about leaving it there or anything, sometimes I just want to leave it in a more public place.

So, on that note, I left it in a gas station that I stopped at on my way home from work. I actually had no reason to stop, except for the Post-it, but ended up buying gum because I felt weird walking into the bathroom and leaving. (I really did want to buy some gum, though. I promise.) In any other town, making a pit-stop at a gas station just to "use the bathroom" wouldn't be weird at all. However, living in a little town, I figured I'd cover all my bases and just spend the ninety-nine cents and get some gum. I'll thank myself tomorrow for it, anyway.

I just scribbled the sticky note in the parking lot, but later realized that I really liked it. It seemed pretty simple—my handwriting, one color, no decoration... But there was something inside me that really clicked with the message.

Although I'm a quote nut and the queen of insightful words (Repeating those of others, that is), this particular Post-it really spoke to me.

Instead of me telling a person how beautiful they are—which, sometimes, is exactly what they might be needing to hear—in this case, I'm inviting them to see what I see. Because it's on a mirror, it's almost instinct to glance up when you're washing your hands. If you're anything like me, on any given day there might be a hair out of place, a smudge of make-up, or blemish that quickly sends negative vibes throughout our mind. Hopefully, upon seeing this message, someone will give it a second thought. Instead of jumping to what's not in check, they'll take an extra second to think about what really makes them beautiful.

I have this idea that you can tell someone something as often as you like, but they won't truly grasp the concept until they believe it for themselves. Once in awhile, people do need to be reminded how lovely, talented, and gifted they are. But once that seed is planted in them and they can see it on their own, then they have the shining potential to share that feeling with others. It's like a never-ending chain... Like a ripple effect.

Don't forget how BEAUTIFUL you are, okay? Inside and out.


P.S. As I mentiond in my very first post, this Post-it idea came from another blog called Operation Beautiful. The concept is the same and people send in pictures of their notes that they leave. It's a very well-done, inspiration site that I would definitely recommend you check out! Espcially, because Caitlin (The editor) recently posted a few of my own! You might just recognize them ;-) Super exciting.

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Close Call

Oh my goodness! I've been so anxious to come home and blog ALL DAY LONG...

Actually, that is a lie. I became exceptionally anxious at approximately 2:30 PM today, not to say that I don't normally look forward to blogging, though. Between classes, I had a friend—the SAME girl who had confronted me about the Post-its a few weeks ago (See "Who, me?" from my April posts!)—give me quite the run for my money!

Gaaah! I getting all giddy even thinking about it... I'll try to keep my composure long enough to get the story out! Are you excited? You should be!

Okay, so as I was saying, between classes a girlfriend of mine casually said, "Are you sure you're not the one putting those sticky notes up? I think you are!" Of course, I played dumb.

"There's more?" I said, sounding totally shocked.

"Yeah! They're all over. I can't believe you haven't seen them," She said quite suspiciously.

I asked her what they said/looked like. (Baha! So funny... Because I already know! Pressure's on.)

She described my orange Post-it from last Thursday. It read "Take a breather." She pin-pointed it PERFECTLY. Although, then she sort of blew it by telling me that it looked just like my handwriting. I couldn't argue because "I didn't know anything about it," but that saying was typed and printed off the computer. Must've been a quick glance...

She also told me that it had "my kind of smiley face" on it. Is it weird that my friends know exactly what MY kind of smiley face looks like? I suppose not, but it's unfortunate given the circumstances right about now!

I joked around and told her that I didn't do it, so she must be clearly mistaken on what kind of smiley faces I make... After all, what kind of friend doesn't know their own friend's smiley face!? Seems obvious, don't you think? ;-)

And then, to change the subject as quickly as possible because I was loosing ground
quickly, I found the first person I could start a conversation with (Yes, that was you, Britt!) And my observant Post-it finder never said another word after that.

Talk about a close call, huh? Ooofda! I would be lying if I said I didn't totally love it, though. Everywhere. That was the word she used. Have I really placed that many? It doesn't seem it like at all... Those little Post-its seem so small to me, but apparently others are picking up on it.

Two things I learned today:

1.) People are seeing the notes. That's relieving. And rewarding. And just... exciting! I like those reminders every once in awhile. But not all the time... My anxiety went through the roof!

2.) No more smileys. I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle that! Maybe I'll change how they look...? Yeah, we'll try that.

Anyhoo, that was enough comotion for today. Although, I did come home, took a run, and am in the midst of a new baking project! Fun, fun.

Have a fabulous night!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

I. Love. Tacks.

As you probably could've inferred from the photograph, I did place my Post-it at church today!

Being it is Mother's Day (Happy Day to all you mothers/grandmothers!), my Sunday school class decorated a flower pot with cute little pansies in them. I tried to give them relevant Bible verses to write on the cards, but they all insisted on writing the same thing: "Honor your father and your mother blah, blah, blah..." It was cute, though.

After that, the little kiddos had to sing during service, so I put in some overtime (Haha!) and accompanied them to church to make sure they didn't bring wild animals or something in.

As I was walking out, I tacked the Post-it onto the bulletin board. I had to laugh- it looked so silly next to all the important who's/whats/whens of church life. I liked it.

I also appreciated the tack. Sometimes I kick myself for not taping Post-its, because as wonderful as the sticky notes are, their "sticky" factor can be less than favorable. So anyway, the tack will hopefully keep 'er there for awhile.

My church, however, is a little on the conservative side, so if for some reason the Post-it is not there come next Sunday, I'm just going to pretend someone LOVED it and took it home. Deal?

This afternoon I've done a few things of importance! Did a little more grocery shopping (It wasn't very extensive- the bulk of it got done last night!). I also got in a nice run and PRed distance wise. After, I went on a fun little bike ride with a girlfriend... And made my way back home! My legs hate me right now, but they'll thank me later.

Plans for tonight? Well, I need to watch The Bucket List. I ended up getting a late-night phone call from a friend and never actually started the movie. I have a pretty strict bedtime... Just joking, but I knew I needed all the sleep I could get when it came to my 4th graders this morning!

Other than that, there's always laundry to do or dishes to clean... Or nails to paint... Or pictures to color... Or fun recipes to make! I guess I can handle doing the last three options... If I have to. ;-)

Later gator,


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Childhood Reminiscing

Happy Saturday! Hope you had a wonderful day.

Clearly, I'm writing this well into the evening hours... When, in fact, I've had practically all day to do it. Maybe I just think better in the PM- who knows!

I did, however, have a semi-eventful day. I was a little groggy after spending the night with a girlfriend who is "mothering" one of those computer-programmed babies for an Intro. to Childcare class. Let me tell you, I've never, ever, ever, in my entire life, met a baby as obnoxious, loud, or HUNGRY as that one. Gosh, if parenting were as hard as that doll made it seem, humanity would be in for a great downfall. I'm not saying it's anywhere near easy, but even the adults who witnessed this crazy baby agreed that real parenting is not quite as difficult. Maybe it's just hard to keep nurturing a plastic doll... In any case, it woke up, what seemed like a thousand times last night, so I've had to refuel with a few different cups of coffee today...

Anyway, I did some mild car shopping (But it wasn't really shopping. More like looking.) It was sort of successful... We'll see if anything falls together.

I got home late afternoonish from all that hustle and bustle and was pretty tuckered out. I did some online car researching as well as just moped around the house.

Then... Since I've always been an honest blog-keeper, I'll have you know that I totally forgot about placing a Post-it while I was out and about during the AM hours. I tried to think up some reason to go into town and ended up deciding that renting a movie sounded quite ideal. So, at approximately 9:00, I jumped in the car and headed that way. After renting a favorite, The Bucket List, I ambitiously decided to stop by the grocery store and pick up a few things- One of them being almond milk. So excited to try it! (I've bounced around from a few different milks. Lately, I've been more of a rice milk kinda girl!) I also picked up a few grapefruit because I read something somewhere that said they are good for your metabolism... Or something.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot about the entire purpose of my blog AND evening run to town (Baha! Long day)... The Post-it! I placed it in the bathroom at the Video Den in town.

Don't you love Annie? I fell in love with that movie as a child... And recently learned to re-appreciate it for what it's worth! Such a cute story. Hopefully someone else will recognize the note's message. And you know what? They'll be in the bathroom of a rental store! How perfect... I didn't even plan that out!

Anyway, that's today's story. Tomorrow I'll be up bright and early teaching Sunday School to eager-to-learn 4th graders (MAJOR exaggeration here. Actually, major sarcasm is more correct.) And then I'll head over to church and ask for forgiveness for all the mean things I wanted to do to that baby when it was crying at 2:30 this morning ;-) I'm assuming my Post-it will go up sometime during all this commotion, but you never know!

Have a good night!


Side note: It's so funny- I always have to laugh at myself when I take MULTIPLE pictures of Post-its. It only ever really happens when I put them on mirrors because I can never get the right angle so that my hand/face aren't in the picture. For some reason, I'm just ridiculously self-conscious about having any part of my body in the photo. So silly!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Lesson on Respiration

In through the nose, out through the mouth.

I think that's my thought for LIFE. I can almost apply it to everything! Overly excited, upset, scared, exhausted... Breeeath.

I wish we had more reminders that told us to breathe. I just laughed out loud as I wrote that sentence... Makes me sound not so smart. Obviously, I know how to breathe. But sometimes, it feels like I sure do forget!

When I say "breathe," I definitely mean it more metaphorically, you know? I'm the QUEEN of staying busy. I normally take more than I ever really want to do and don't hesitate to take up one more thing after that. I wouldn't call myself a "push over," necessarily, but I rarely refuse a request. Now, although I'm a people-pleaser, I really do think that this constant adding comes more from trying to please myself. If I do one more thing... If I work a little longer... If I add one more To-Do...

Being self-initiative and determined is good, but everyone has a limit. Sometimes, at least for me, it's too easy to get going and keep adding and continue pushing until you hit rock bottom and have no idea how you got there. When you take to time breathe (this may be literal, as well as physically, emotionally, or mentally), you often get an inside view of the craziness you've begun to consider routine. It's then that you realize what's priority and what is negative guilt or pleasing that's just begun to boil over.

Breathe! Try it. It's funny how we do it all the time, constantly, 24/7, and yet when we take a moment to think about the involuntary action, it feels so relieving.

Listen to me. I sound like a yoga instructor! Regardless of whether this made any sense, today's Post-it was meant to be a reminder that sometimes in order to keep moving, you need to stop. How's that for an oxymoron? Especially as the school year dwindles down, and teachers/students are just anxious to be done for awhile, these last few weeks can become quite stressful. The year won't end any sooner because you're rushing to fit last-minute things in. In fact, when you take a moment to breathe, you may just see how quickly it's been moving all along.

What's that I hear? Oh, it's my algebra 2 calling my name... How sweet. (Dripping in sarcasm!) Unfortunately, I have to take this call.

Have an awesome night! Tomorrow is Friday :-)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Believe to See

Hey, hey!

So in case you're one of those people who scrolls around to find the picture before reading the post (I think I might be one of them, so just thought I'd give a little shout out...) then you may want to quit looking. Baha! That sounds bad.

Let me start over.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of today's Post-it. Sometimes I feel bad when I don't, you know? Like I let the project down. But then I consider the positives of not having a photo...

Exhibit A: Maybe it'll allow you to exercise you're own imagination. When you don't have a visual, you subconsciously create one in your head, right? That's gotta be healthy!

Exhibit B: You could, if you so desired, set out to make your own Post-it! You already have all those creative juices floating around in your noggin... Why not put them to good use? Feel free to pull out a pad of sticky notes and design YOUR Post-it. It doesn't necessarily have to say the same thing as today's, but the saying is there to start you. That decision is definitely for those visual learners... I almost said those who need to "see to believe." But maybe... In this Post-it case, you need to "believe to see."

Believe that you can make a difference with a small 3x3 inch note. Once you are confident in this unusual and down-to-earth truth, you'll begin to see Post-it ideas flash across your mind.

That's one thing I've realized lately. It doesn't take me very long to come up with a phrase to go on a Post-it... I know that any small, encouraging line can work wonders.

Well, I may be in this prophetic mood after an Empty Bowls presentation. (Empty Bowls = fundraising/educational event designed to teach the effects of poverty and raise money to send to local/global relief projects.)

This was also the time I placed today's note. It said "You can make a difference," in light of the night's event. Gosh, I know that if I found that, I could easily find it in myself to cry. But I find it in myself to cry at the most cheesy, silly things all the time... So... ;-)

AND, I also got the sweetest note from a friend in Honduras as I arrived home. As I mentioned once before, I went there a few months ago for mission work and spent most of my time teaching in a small, three-room school house. The teacher there, Teresa, sent me the sweetest facebook post...

"So this was what Isai told his classmates: "Meagan is my girlfriend...only Meagan! " see that`s special you girl."

Isai was a little boy I became especially attached to... Well, and vise versa. The younger boys took to me exceptionally well (I definitely don't attract boys my age as quickly...)

Anyway, I thought that was cute.

Alrighty, well I'm off to finish writing some letters and round up some stuff for tomorrow.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Learning to Love

Hi there!

Today, the Post-it went on a mirror. It seemed necessary considering the note's content...

Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I found one of my own Post-its. (Granted, I wouldn't know who it was from. Does that make sense?) Anyway, it would probably be one of the greatest experiences of my life. Okay, okay, I might be a little bias considering I am leaving notes hoping that they serve as some sort of encouragement...

Let's see. If I saw this note... I'd be tempted to take it with me. But I think I would come to the conclusion that the longer it stays there, more people will have a chance to look at it. I don't know if I honestly would have thought like that before embarking on this whole Post-it journey. But I like it!

I may breeze right by it... Especially if I have some super exciting class to get to! (Wait, do I have any of those? Just kidding!) Or maybe, while washing my hands or throwing my hair up, I'll take a second to let a few of my inner qualities flash across my mind. Are they good? Do I use them in the most beneficial ways possible? Do I believe in them?

Sometimes it's easier to see them in other people. I guess it kind of goes hand-in-hand with the advice topic of yesterday's post. Maybe it all comes down to learning to love ourselves. Each and every part. Yes, that toe that's a bit too long or... falling off? (Bahaha! Britt.) Or, for this girl, learning to see inner beauty on terrible hair days or when it seems like everything in my closet clashes.

Speaking of which, I have some laundry to do. And you know what? Maybe I'll treat myself to a good ol' nail painting, after... And then start making friends with my hair before tomorrow morning. ;-)


Monday, May 3, 2010

Advice Epiphany

Dear Meagan,

Take your own advice!


Okay... Ooofda. Just had to get that off my chest. Monday morning hit me harder than I expected and it took me a while to get back into the swing of things. Remember when I said that stressful Mondays could use a good Post-it? Well, I neglected that thought until this evening. Silly, silly me.

Isn't it weird how sometimes we can be so good at dispensing advice, but when it comes to following through ourselves, we seldom listen. I look back at old emails, letters, think about conversations... And sometimes, I really sound like I have it figured out! But, I don't... I don't know many people who do. Takes a good old Monday morning to knock some sense into me, I suppose!

Maybe from now on, when I get in a stressful/frustrating/bad (by the standard of a semi-emotional girl!) situation, I'll try and pretend that I'm advising a friend on what they should do. Maybe then the answer will magically appear like I'm Rafiki off of the Lion King...

Or maybe not. But it's worth a try! (Not the monkey part, the pretending to give advice part.)

Anyway, Today's Post-it was put on a choir folder. I have choir as an hour during my class schedule, but I'd never have enough time to do anything secretive in there. It's like a zoo! I did, however, find time to place the note in a random folder during our last concert this evening.

Being that I cry at stoplights (Obviously, that's not literal.), tonight was emotional as we let our senior choir members finish out their last high school concert. Not to mention, the half way point for me, as a sophomore.

So, in light of seniors graduating and moving on to bigger and better things, the sticky note said "Dare to Dream." Oh boy, I hope they do!

Well, as you can see, this is another late night post... 9:30 isn't really that late, especially for a high school girl. What does that say about me and my exciting life? Oh well... I have a secret Post-it project that very few know about. It's like being a secret agent. Sort of.

I think sleep is a must right about now. I'm getting a bit delirious, don't you think?

Have a GOOD Tuesday!

Meagan (If I wasn't schizophrenic before, my little episode at the top definitely confirmed it... Yup.)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bright Side of Stress

Long time, not talk!

Just joking, it really hasn't been that long... But it sort of feels like it. Friday slipped by me like a bar of soap! After school, I had to work and by the time I got off, it was time to babysit... The kids were AH-DORABLE, but I didn't make it back home until 3 in the morning. Saturday was just as busy with bright & early ensemble competitions and working again that afternoon...

That all brings us to Sunday (One of my favorite days of the week!) where I now finally have the chance to sit down and chat with you! (Or... Myself. Bahaha!) I suppose I take what I can get.

Throughout all this weekend busyness, I did find time to get a few Post-its out! On Saturday, I was at a state solo ensemble festival, where I found my first Post-it target. Sometimes I look forward (Maybe that's not the term I'm looking for...) to stressful situations because it provides the perfect opportunity to place a positive note for someone! Being this was a state competition, nerves and emotions were high. Anyway, I put it in a woman's bathroom on the college campus in which we were performing.

Today's Post-it went on the soap dispenser in the girls' bathroom at church. I put in in there after a presentation on a trip to Honduras I took a few months ago... I guess I just had some "ambition" vibes running through me!

Hopefully someone else does now, too.

Well, I guess it only makes sense that I have homework, laundry, and some sleep to catch up on after my eventful weekend...

Here's to a good week! And you know what? If Monday doesn't seem to be calling your name (Does it ever?) and looks to have the word stress written all over it... Maybe it's time to leave a Post-it :-)


P.S. This is my first May post! How exciting!!