Well hello!
Remind me to never let three days go by without blogging again! Actually, I really need to learn to be more flexible with it, because the summer might be a little harder to find as much time. Granted, I'll still be writing, just maybe not everyday, you know? But... This weekend, I did get three Post-its out! That's sort of a lot to talk about, and I don't want to completely bore you, so I'll try to make each one sort of quick
#1: Friday

Friday's note was placed on the mirror of that bathroom at a local baseball field. We have a city league who plays on most Fridays/Saturdays during the summer, and a friend and I went to their opener! In order to get this note up without looking like a total goof, I was forced to let my girlfriend in on my little secret! I totally trust her with it, though. (Plus, I told her she'd most likely be beheaded if she spilt the beans!) You'll notice I ended up getting in the picture, unfortunately, because I was SO nervous someone would walk into the super tiny restroom while I was doing it. I've never taken a picture so fast in my LIFE!
One more funny story, we went to the bathroom in the first place to clean up a scrape that my sister's friend, Katy, had gotten on her hand. Katy is only 5, so when I put the note up, she innocently asked "What does that say?" Because I knew there were other people in bathroom stalls, I smoothly (Baha—not!) told her that "someone" must have put it up. Don't you love how children believe whatever you say? She gave no argument and we left. So cute!
Okay, #2: Saturday
No picture :-( I'll tell you that story, first. I actually DID take a picture of Saturday's Post-it. However, as you'll read later, I spent today with a few friends and when one decided to pick up my camera, I didn't hesitate to grab it quick. Without even thinking, I deleted the Post-it. Sometimes, it's so hard to keep this on the down-low! They never really asked me about it, though. Just unfortunately lost the pic. Oh well.
Anyway, the sticky note went in another bathroom. Is it weird how many bathrooms these go in? I think it's because you can find one ANYWHERE and they're places lots of people enter/exit.
Anyway, at the "bus races" (Explanation in Thursday's post—"Creativity at it's Finest) I took my sister and her friend, Katy (again!), to the bathroom. While there, I put a pretty, purple note that said "You are lovely just the way you are!" in a stall. I really like the world
lovely. It just sounds so wonderful.
On to #3: Sunday/Today

First of all, yes, the graffiti says "smoke weed." Although it so very tempting (Bahaha!) I'm definitely not into drugs, which is partially why I decided to write/place the note that I did.
Some background: Two friends and I spontaneously decided we wanted to go find somewhere nice to have lunch outside. We drove half an hour to a nice, woodsy waterfall. Going over the stream, there is a cute little bridge where we had planned to sit down. However, upon coming to this bridge, we found a few girls sitting there. Not wanting to intrude on their personal space, we continued walking (Although, we were really bummed we couldn't sit there!) Once we found a new set of rocks to sit down on, we all agreed they were most definitely smoking marijuana. That also explained there totally guilty, embarrassed, scared faces when they first saw us. We had a little laugh about it, but then concluded it was actually quite sad.

Not too long after, the girls left (I would, too!) and we went to go sit by the bridge. That's when we saw today's Post-it home. After our previous encounter, I decided that's where I wanted that note to go. My friends just thought it was a little random act, when in fact it was all part of the Post-it Effect ;-)
That's all, folks! I'd say it was a very successful Post-it weekend. Minus the fact that I'm such a procrastinator...
Plans for tonight? Well, re-learn how to walk. I took a 5.5 mile run today (That's a personal best—distance wise!) and not even 30 min. later, walked the same route with a friend. That's 11 miles on my legs! They are very, very unhappy with at the moment. I suppose discipline is never pleasant at the time... Now, I have a few things to get ready for this week and then hitting the hay early tonight!
Have a good one!