Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Childhood Reminiscing

Happy Saturday! Hope you had a wonderful day.

Clearly, I'm writing this well into the evening hours... When, in fact, I've had practically all day to do it. Maybe I just think better in the PM- who knows!

I did, however, have a semi-eventful day. I was a little groggy after spending the night with a girlfriend who is "mothering" one of those computer-programmed babies for an Intro. to Childcare class. Let me tell you, I've never, ever, ever, in my entire life, met a baby as obnoxious, loud, or HUNGRY as that one. Gosh, if parenting were as hard as that doll made it seem, humanity would be in for a great downfall. I'm not saying it's anywhere near easy, but even the adults who witnessed this crazy baby agreed that real parenting is not quite as difficult. Maybe it's just hard to keep nurturing a plastic doll... In any case, it woke up, what seemed like a thousand times last night, so I've had to refuel with a few different cups of coffee today...

Anyway, I did some mild car shopping (But it wasn't really shopping. More like looking.) It was sort of successful... We'll see if anything falls together.

I got home late afternoonish from all that hustle and bustle and was pretty tuckered out. I did some online car researching as well as just moped around the house.

Then... Since I've always been an honest blog-keeper, I'll have you know that I totally forgot about placing a Post-it while I was out and about during the AM hours. I tried to think up some reason to go into town and ended up deciding that renting a movie sounded quite ideal. So, at approximately 9:00, I jumped in the car and headed that way. After renting a favorite, The Bucket List, I ambitiously decided to stop by the grocery store and pick up a few things- One of them being almond milk. So excited to try it! (I've bounced around from a few different milks. Lately, I've been more of a rice milk kinda girl!) I also picked up a few grapefruit because I read something somewhere that said they are good for your metabolism... Or something.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot about the entire purpose of my blog AND evening run to town (Baha! Long day)... The Post-it! I placed it in the bathroom at the Video Den in town.

Don't you love Annie? I fell in love with that movie as a child... And recently learned to re-appreciate it for what it's worth! Such a cute story. Hopefully someone else will recognize the note's message. And you know what? They'll be in the bathroom of a rental store! How perfect... I didn't even plan that out!

Anyway, that's today's story. Tomorrow I'll be up bright and early teaching Sunday School to eager-to-learn 4th graders (MAJOR exaggeration here. Actually, major sarcasm is more correct.) And then I'll head over to church and ask for forgiveness for all the mean things I wanted to do to that baby when it was crying at 2:30 this morning ;-) I'm assuming my Post-it will go up sometime during all this commotion, but you never know!

Have a good night!


Side note: It's so funny- I always have to laugh at myself when I take MULTIPLE pictures of Post-its. It only ever really happens when I put them on mirrors because I can never get the right angle so that my hand/face aren't in the picture. For some reason, I'm just ridiculously self-conscious about having any part of my body in the photo. So silly!

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