So in case you're one of those people who scrolls around to find the picture before reading the post (I think I might be one of them, so just thought I'd give a little shout out...) then you may want to quit looking. Baha! That sounds bad.
Let me start over.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of today's Post-it. Sometimes I feel bad when I don't, you know? Like I let the project down. But then I consider the positives of not having a photo...
Exhibit A: Maybe it'll allow you to exercise you're own imagination. When you don't have a visual, you subconsciously create one in your head, right? That's gotta be healthy!
Exhibit B: You could, if you so desired, set out to make your own Post-it! You already have all those creative juices floating around in your noggin... Why not put them to good use? Feel free to pull out a pad of sticky notes and design YOUR Post-it. It doesn't necessarily have to say the same thing as today's, but the saying is there to start you. That decision is definitely for those visual learners... I almost said those who need to "see to believe." But maybe... In this Post-it case, you need to "believe to see."
Believe that you can make a difference with a small 3x3 inch note. Once you are confident in this unusual and down-to-earth truth, you'll begin to see Post-it ideas flash across your mind.
That's one thing I've realized lately. It doesn't take me very long to come up with a phrase to go on a Post-it... I know that any small, encouraging line can work wonders.
Well, I may be in this prophetic mood after an Empty Bowls presentation. (Empty Bowls = fundraising/educational event designed to teach the effects of poverty and raise money to send to local/global relief projects.)
This was also the time I placed today's note. It said "You can make a difference," in light of the night's event. Gosh, I know that if I found that, I could easily find it in myself to cry. But I find it in myself to cry at the most cheesy, silly things all the time... So... ;-)
AND, I also got the sweetest note from a friend in Honduras as I arrived home. As I mentioned once before, I went there a few months ago for mission work and spent most of my time teaching in a small, three-room school house. The teacher there, Teresa, sent me the sweetest facebook post...
"So this was what Isai told his classmates: "Meagan is my girlfriend...only Meagan! " see that`s special you girl."
Isai was a little boy I became especially attached to... Well, and vise versa. The younger boys took to me exceptionally well (I definitely don't attract boys my age as quickly...)
Anyway, I thought that was cute.
Alrighty, well I'm off to finish writing some letters and round up some stuff for tomorrow.
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