Take your own advice!
Okay... Ooofda. Just had to get that off my chest. Monday morning hit me harder than I expected and it took me a while to get back into the swing of things. Remember when I said that stressful Mondays could use a good Post-it? Well, I neglected that thought until this evening. Silly, silly me.
Isn't it weird how sometimes we can be so good at dispensing advice, but when it comes to following through ourselves, we seldom listen. I look back at old emails, letters, think about conversations... And sometimes, I really sound like I have it figured out! But, I don't... I don't know many people who do. Takes a good old Monday morning to knock some sense into me, I suppose!
Maybe from now on, when I get in a stressful/frustrating/bad (by the standard of a semi-emotional girl!) situation, I'll try and pretend that I'm advising a friend on what they should do. Maybe then the answer will magically appear like I'm Rafiki off of the Lion King...
Or maybe not. But it's worth a try! (Not the monkey part, the pretending to give advice part.)
Anyway, Today's Post-it was put on a choir folder. I have choir as an hour during my class schedule, but I'd never have enough time to do anything secretive in there. It's like a zoo! I did, however, find time to place the note in a random folder during our last concert this evening.
Being that I cry at stoplights (Obviously, that's not literal.), tonight was emotional as we let our senior choir members finish out their last high school concert. Not to mention, the half way point for me, as a sophomore.
So, in light of seniors graduating and moving on to bigger and better things, the sticky note said "Dare to Dream." Oh boy, I hope they do!
Well, as you can see, this is another late night post... 9:30 isn't really that late, especially for a high school girl. What does that say about me and my exciting life? Oh well... I have a secret Post-it project that very few know about. It's like being a secret agent. Sort of.
I think sleep is a must right about now. I'm getting a bit delirious, don't you think?
Have a GOOD Tuesday!
Meagan (If I wasn't schizophrenic before, my little episode at the top definitely confirmed it... Yup.)
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