Aaaah... I love nice weather. Although it probably shouldn't have such a large effect on my personality, I'd say it definitely does. What can I say? I have a very, very big crush on Mr. Sun.
Before you notice (If you already did, rewind quick, and pretend you didn't!), I'll admit to getting a little bit of water on today's Post-it. I scolded myself for this, later, I promise.
But, in my defense, I had to go through the whole Post-it drill very quickly today! I put it on the door of the girls' bathroom. Pretty risky! But nobody saw... That I know of.
I ran across this saying a few months ago and instantly fell in love. When I first read it, I thought they had accidentally jumbled the more well known phrase "You have to see to believe." After letting it run through my brain a few times, I realized that it was no mistake! Somethings really do have to be believed to be seen. I feel like I've "preached" on this before...
Take almost anything hard you've ever done: a grueling run, a trick off the diving board, a extensive test... It's hard to accomplish anything if you don't believe in yourself. Yes, sometimes you can get by by studying your brains out or pushing forward to end up at the "finish line," but how much stress, discontent, and yucky-ness did that bring you? To see results, you have to ground yourself in the belief that it is possible.
Okay, off the soap box... Just thought I'd share that little tidbit of insight :-)
I'm off to possibly do some future biology homework... But probably not.
I'll actually probably go take out my contacts, watch an episode of Growing Pains (My eyes can handle this without their crutch!), and then say a prayer or two before going to bed! That sounds more like it ;-)
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