It's been a few days! I actually placed a note yesterday, but did some late-night babysitting and wasn't able to blog about it. So that's what today's for!
After a jam-packed day of shopping/swimming/babysitting, I was heading no where but my bed after getting home last night.
However, the shopping segment of my day was where I placed the Post-it. I'm sure you probably could've inferred that after seeing it...
Placing the notes has become so natural! In a good way, though, I think. Now, if some stranger sees me at a Target (Although I still smile at myself for how weird I look...) I don't even think twice about it. And when I'm with friends, I usually am pretty casual about just whipping out a note and putting it somewhere and snapping a pic. I don't draw any extra attention to it, by any means... And I try not to do it more than once/very often with the same friend... Just in case they begin to catch on.
Anyhoo, today wasn't quite as eventful. Hit up a few graduation parties, but eventually made my way back home. I made a yummy, little dinner that consisted of brown rice w/ some taco seasoning... in a whole-wheat tortilla and lettuce. Mmmm! Plans for the rest of the night? I have a few cards/letters to write and should maybe do something about Mt. Laundry that's built up in my room. Normally I'm extremely good about being organized, but apparently I've turned over a new leaf...
Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day! PLEASE go outside and enjoy the weather. So beautiful!
Hasta luego! (I'm in French, but my Spanish isn't half bad!) ;-)
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