Hi there!
Today, the Post-it went on a mirror. It seemed necessary considering the note's content...
Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I found one of my own Post-its. (Granted, I wouldn't know who it was from. Does that make sense?) Anyway, it would probably be one of the greatest experiences of my life. Okay, okay, I might be a little bias considering I am leaving notes hoping that they serve as some sort of encouragement...
Let's see. If I saw this note... I'd be tempted to take it with me. But I think I would come to the conclusion that the longer it stays there, more people will have a chance to look at it. I don't know if I honestly would have thought like that before embarking on this whole Post-it journey. But I like it!
I may breeze right by it... Especially if I have some super exciting class to get to! (Wait, do I have any of those? Just kidding!) Or maybe, while washing my hands or throwing my hair up, I'll take a second to let a few of my inner qualities flash across my mind. Are they good? Do I use them in the most beneficial ways possible? Do I believe in them?
Sometimes it's easier to see them in other people. I guess it kind of goes hand-in-hand with the advice topic of yesterday's post. Maybe it all comes down to learning to love ourselves. Each and every part. Yes, that toe that's a bit too long or... falling off? (Bahaha! Britt.) Or, for this girl, learning to see inner beauty on terrible hair days or when it seems like everything in my closet clashes.
Speaking of which, I have some laundry to do. And you know what? Maybe I'll treat myself to a good ol' nail painting, after... And then start making friends with my hair before tomorrow morning. ;-)
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