Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trash = Gift... No, I'm not crazy!

Happy Earth Day!

Is it weird that this is definitely in my top 5 favorite holidays? I just like what it stands for, you know? Although, I suppose everyday should be Earth Day.

Subconsciously, today's Post-it was green—how appropriate! Anyway, it said, "Find your passion," and let me tell you, it took WAY longer than I thought it would to dot (color-coded rainbow, by the way!) the frame around it. It made for lots of extra Post-it bonding time.

I didn't really have any cool stories about the Post-it. I taped it to the mirror in the bathroom 7th hour and it was there at the end of the day, just begging for a picture!

I think the meaning hit me harder after I got home.

Because I have such an exciting, super-cool life for a high school girl, I decided to spend some time picking up trash along the highway I live on. It actually worked out perfect because, due to an annoying back injury, I've had to lay off the running the last few days (crushing, I know...), but walking was something I definitely could handle.

Anyway, 3 ticks, 4 dead animal carcases, zillions of flies, and 3 FULL garbage bags later... (And yes, there was still more out there. Ridiculous!)

I came to the conclusion that that is my passion. Or as much as I know about it right now... I guess I may still be growing in to it.

Have you found yours? Are you still looking? I believe that's one of the most important things to obtain in life—a passion—something you want to put your whole heart into. It's not an obligation, a chore, or a stressor... It's a gift every single day.

Sound like Gandhi much? Aristotle? Well, they were pretty smart guys... ;-)

Sleep tight, don't let the "side-of-the-road" bugs bite! Bahaha.


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