Doing my part to make the world a better place—whether it be by a total epiphany or a simple smile—I've found a hobby in leaving simple Post-it notes. On these Post-its are written words of kindess, love, and encouragement, in hopes that it may bring a little light to whoever may find it. Since this objective took flight, I've additionally enjoyed simply sharing daily occurances that make life beautiful. Do take what you can from my silly, messy, and scatterbrained story. If nothing else, may it encourage you to embrace your own.
To read more on my optimistic endeavor, check out my introductory post here.

Looking to join the team of fearless Post-it cadetes? Send a picture and your story to Happy posting!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Creativity at it's Finest

4 days down, 1 to go!

I actually enjoy Thursdays... They are like the last final push of the week. Yes, I still try on Fridays, but they just don't seem quite as demanding as the proceeding week days.

Another day of little Post-it action. It was super nice, though. I put it up around the same time as yesterday (hopefully I'll get into this early habit!). I spent a little extra time deciding where I wanted to put it... My creativity has seemed low the last few days. I ended up going with the door to the "Teacher's Lounge." That term seems so silly to me, because I just think back to elementary school when no one ever saw the inside of the mysterious gathering room. We use to fantasize that there might be a pool in there... Or just a big, Hawaiian party. I was definitely creative as a kid!

It was neat to see the Post-it stay up all day long. Teacher's file in and out of that door countless times a day, and there's not a doubt it my mind that someone saw it. Hopefully it'll be a good encouragement to keep pushing through these last few weeks of school. Many students fail to realize that our educators are ready to be done just as soon as we are!

Anyway, it's been raining here all week and suppose to clear up nicely this weekend. Any exciting plans? Hopefully, I'll do some more car looking/researching as well as go to the local bus races (races @ speedway in which schools around the area build a bus through their tech. department and race each other. Yes, I live in a hick-town.)

Throughout all this, I plan to get all my daily Post-its in... And blog whenever I find the chance!


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